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Every personal brand has a unique set of core beliefs that shape who you are as a brand. I covered these in a two-part podcast series in episodes #5 and #6  if you need a refresher to discover yours.

Once your beliefs are uncovered, your “superpowers” help guide your vision, strengthen your authority, differentiate your brand, and attract customers that love you.

So what are these superpowers I talk of?

Many people may give you altering answers but what I believe superpowers are is the intersect of your passions, interests, and skills. They are the result of your layers and layers of pivots, life cycles, and experiences that have led you to where you are right now.

Your life journey isn’t an accident – I believe you’ve gone through all the traffic, dead ends, one-way roads, four-lane superhighways, and sharp curves so you could serve others with what you’ve learned along the way.

So in short, your superpower aligns your personal brand with a set of beliefs.

I do believe you can have a primary and secondary superpower. But your superpower must be the intersect of all three – your passions, interests, and skills. For example, If you are not passionate about it. It’s not your superpower.

  • It must bring you JOY. 
  • Light you up inside. 
  • You want to do it every day.
  • Talking about it is easy for you.
How To Use Your Superpower To Attract New Clients
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How do people get burned out with their company?

I see many people jump into a business, especially in direct sales because they want an extra stream of income and with this model don’t have to build a business structure from the ground up. They just need to introduce people to the products and business opportunity to start making an income. Easy enough, right?

But what happens is they get burned out after a certain amount of time… they find out they aren’t passionate about the products or industry to talk about them every day, and they get tired of trying to find people to build a business with them who aren’t the right fit.

And all of this I believe is because their superpower isn’t aligning with this vehicle. The vehicle being that specific direct sales company or business they are with.

My personal experience

In my own personal experience as my years went on with direct sales I started to slowly uncover my own skills, passions, and interests. And I would use these to get me out of my slump of not being passionate about the industry I was in… which was skincare at the time. 

I would spend more time doing creative design for online events, digital invitations, and social media graphics. Doing so gave me enough motivation to stay with the company, however, I knew those activities weren’t things I wanted to be doing every day. They weren’t my superpower.

It wasn’t until five years into my direct sales career that I started putting some of these skills, passions, and interests into another stream of income by selling a digital product. I didn’t realize it at the time but what I was doing was starting to find my own intersect … my superpower.

Here is my superpower

My today I know with total confidence that my superpower is to infuse faith and confidence into other female business owners to make a significant impact on the world.  And showing them how to serve others by leveraging their knowledge to create a passive income with a simple digital product.

Three ways to use your superpower to attract new clients

So whether you uncover your superpower to find the motivation to keep you with your current business or company, or it inspires you to create a new one… let me share with you three ways you can use your superpower to attract new clients.

  1. By determining who would find value in your superpower you uncover your core niche market but more importantly can define your ICA – ideal client avatar. These people are out there right now looking for you to solve this exact problem of theirs. You just need to start speaking to them to increase your meaningful social interaction.
  2. When you have only one ideal client to serve with your superpower you can pay close attention to their concerns and create content to help solve their needs. This makes social media marketing a breeze and they can find YOU faster.
  3. When you focus on serving your ideal clients with your superpower you elevate your authority on that subject. You will create a magnetic impression where more people come to you for the solution to their problem and refer people to you.

To recap the three ways

There are many ways your superpower is used to attract new clients but to recap the three I just mentioned are by: 

  • uncovering your core niche to increase your meaningful social interaction
  • creating content to help your ideal client find you faster
  • elevating your authority to create a magnetic impression

What is important in this digital age

I’m very passionate that you are made for more and keeping your talents, passions, and interests to yourself will not spark a change or empower others unless they are shared!

I’ve even said that … “When your daily decisions are rooted in the core beliefs of your brand, you will always be confident in your actions. You will not waiver in the face of conformity or comparison.” – Kristin Korn

And I think that is SO IMPORTANT in this digital age… to stay in your lane and use your own superpower to serve others.

Behind My Brand: 7-Day Brand-Discovery Mini-Course; Crack The Code On What To Post In 7 Days!

How to uncover your own superpower in 7 days

If you want to start using YOUR superpower to attract new clients – uncover it inside Behind My Brand: 7-Day Brand-Discovery Mini-Course. Enroll today at https://kristinkorn.com/stepone. Let me help you uncover the intersect of your core interest, passion, and skills to UNCOVER your superpower. Not only will you live in alignment with your core purpose – but you’ll finally be able to reach the right people with the right message.

Get instant access today to the Behind My Brand: 7-Day Brand-Discovery Mini-Course at https://kristinkorn.com/stepone

Another episode you may enjoy is “5 Reasons Why Talking to Fewer People Will Increase Your Profits

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