How to determine the Bullet Point Beliefs of Your Brand
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In a world of increasing distractions and “shiny objects,” finding YOUR purpose and core interest is more necessary than ever before. 

When you’re living in alignment with your true purpose, then every decision you make is rooted in pure confidence and joy, rather than fear. 

And who doesn’t want to feel that every day, right?

So my question to you is…   Where do your passions and your skills overlap?

Let’s use your answers

Going back to the four questions I asked you in the previous episode 5.

  1. If you had a full day to yourself to spend doing something you love what would you do? 
  2. When was the last time you were complimented on something as a skill or talent?
  3. When do you find others are agreeable with your actions? 
  4. After you’ve done what… do you feel the most accomplished? 

What was the overlying theme?

I want you to think what was the overlying theme in your answers? Or may you thought of four separate instances for the four questions. 

But these FOUR answers equal your FOUR bullet point beliefs for your brand…

My personal answers

Let me give you my personal answers to those questions.

#1. If you had a full day to yourself to spend doing something you love what would you do? Creating content for my brand.

#2. When was the last time you were complimented on something as a skill or talent?  When I’m creating visuals and graphics. People really love my work.

#3. When do you find others are agreeable with your actions?  Being able to inspire people to find the confidence to move their business forward.

#4. After you’ve done what… do you feel the most accomplished? Launched a challenge or course that I know will take someone’s business to another level.

Coming up with your four core beliefs

So knowing those answers I was able to come up with my four core bullet point beliefs for my brand. All I had to do was pay attention to who I already was the times I was in flow state.

  1. Personal Branding is Non-Negotiable
  2. Always Be Authentic
  3. Live life with purpose and intention
  4. The one priority lifestyle is the most productive way to live

How to live life on-brand

Now, thinking about my brand and how you see me communicate in my content you can see how my core beliefs make up my lane and how I’m able to live life on brand.

Once you have your four core bullet point beliefs you can then determine your core interest and purpose. 

It can be somewhat broad for now but I want you to get something down.

Your overlying theme is your core purpose

The overlying theme in my core beliefs was having faith and confidence. So no matter if I’m creating graphics for clients, or showing online to share my own journey, or coaching a client – my passion is to infuse faith and confidence into other women whether they are looking to start, strengthen, or scale their business in order to make a significant impact on the world.

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If this is something you really want to dig into and get a better understanding of I offer a workbook inside my 14-Day Stay in Your Lane Challenge and spend a couple days on this subject alone because it truly is the foundation of who you are built on and how to develop your lane.

I invite you to learn more about the challenge and taking part in our next round that starts tomorrow at

In conclusion

Determine your flow state – then you can find the bullet points beliefs of your brand, and come to the conclusion of your core interest and purpose. 


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