I’ve heard my husband, Brad Korn, speak the term “brand of basketball” many times when referring to an opponent or...
Coach’s Wife Entrepreneur Articles
Our Untold Ball Life Story – by a Coach’s Wife
The Raw Korn #BallLife Story…. told from me, the coach's wife to Bradley Korn. This is going to be an entirely...
Big Game as a Coach’s Wife
Well… today is the day. A big game.The day that preparation will show it’s true self. Tonight we play our biggest in...
The Never Before Told Secret About My RFx Title
A year ago LAST JULY I was celebrating THREE LETTERS… seriously… who celebrates 3 silly letters? And NO it wasn’t a PhD… it was RFx …. And no, that’s not a prescription abbreviation. Let me tell ya the secrets behind my RFx title. What's RFx? It’s actually the highest...