How to determine the Bullet Point Beliefs of Your Brand - Part 1
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What I’ve learned by observing people is that many wish for something instead of understanding who they already are.

I mean let’s face it… I wish I loved to run and get up early… but I don’t! But it’s not who I am.

My husband wishes I loved to cook, but I don’t!

I’m more of a let’s get in the car, go eat out and grab a drink kind of gal.. not the one who’s turning on the crockpot at 7 am and doing any sort of meal planning…

Social media planning a week out – I can do.

Meal planning… no thanks! Take out or Mexican works for me every night of the week.

Why do we compare our situation to others

So why is it that we set aside the bullet points of who we already are and instead waste time playing the comparison game of who we aren’t.

You have plenty to be thankful for right now just the way you are. 

The bullet point beliefs of your brand are what is going to bring you the most happiness and joy.

Stop going around pretending you are passionate about something when you aren’t… but instead, lean into who you are, get quiet, and DO THAT. 

You will always do that thing best.

How to find your passions

There have been so many times over the past year where I’ve had to do just that. 

Sit quietly… hideout and pay attention to my personal likes and dislikes. What do I believe in and WHY?

The simplest way to find the bullet point beliefs of your brand is to pay attention to the times where you are doing an activity and time just flies by.

Before you knew it the day is over and you feel so at ease and accomplished. 

For me… Those were the days I was creating content for other entrepreneurs to grow their business and inside photoshop designing logos for other business owners who need visual consistency. Or checking off an important project I had been working on for weeks. I am in a complete flow state for these hours. 

I know… That is my favor.  Infusing confidence in other women so they can move forward in their business and their life with purpose.

And I determined that by knowing my Bullet Point Beliefs of my Brand.

And there’s a bonus… if the thing you love doing is also the thing you are really good at that’s a bonus. But always remember skills can be learned… so don’t get discouraged if it’s not the case for you.

Pay attention to your flow state

Did you know that when you are in a flow state it removes your self-doubt? 

That’s why you find so much fulfillment because you don’t feel judged or you are not doubting yourself during these times. These are the times when you feel most creative and have a blast doing it.  

A John Hopkin Neuroscientist studied Jazz musicians and found that when you are in a flow state – the area of the brain associated with self-doubt was deactivated. 

No wonder these are the happiest experiences of your life.

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How to find the bullet points of your brand

In order to find the bullet points of your brand and your core purpose I want you to answer these four questions…

  1. If you had a full day to yourself to spend doing something you love what would you do? 
  2. When was the last time you were complimented on something as a skill or talent?
  3. When do you find others are agreeable with your actions? 
  4. After you’ve done what… do you feel the most accomplished? 

These are the four questions that are going to help you start to unlock and start to really understand where your gifting is. So find a quiet place and really journal the specific times when these instances occurred. Then catch Branding Bites Episode 6 where we will dig a little deeper into their meanings and what are the bullet point beliefs for your brand based on your answers.


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