Struggling with How To Grow Business Online? Unlock the growth potential of your small business with these 7...

Struggling with How To Grow Business Online? Unlock the growth potential of your small business with these 7...
As a small business owner, you may be wondering why building a brand is important. After all, isn’t it enough to simply have a great product or service? The answer is no. In today’s competitive marketplace, it’s more important than ever to have a strong brand that differentiates you from your competitors. In this article, I cover what is a brand, why your business needs one, and 8 benefits of taking the time to invest in building a brand for your business.
Marketing yourself is essential for any business, especially when starting out. It’s just a fact that people are more likely to trust someone they view as an expert than someone who is just starting out, so it’s essential to establish yourself as an authority figure as soon as possible. This article will discuss 12 ways to market yourself online and build your brand …. even if you still don’t consider yourself an expert!
What is your brand missing to STAND OUT? Creating a brand for your business can be a difficult task. There are many things to consider, from the name and logo to the colors and fonts you use to the marketing plan you implement. But one of the most important aspects of branding is creating a visual identity that stands out from the competition. In this article, we will discuss eight elements that are essential for creating a visually appealing brand. If you want your business to stand out, make sure you implement these tips!
With almost 4B people worldwide using social media, you can understand why brand awareness is a top priority for marketers. Whether you use social media to increase sales, drive awareness, or generate new leads… there are 5 things you can start doing today in your business to improve your social media branding to reach your goals!
Getting more brand engagement is a want of every business owner I work with. They don’t want to waste their time on social media if their content goes unnoticed. And in my experience… using my face in my visuals and my story in my copywriting deepens connections and boosts conversions more than any other strategy. Inside this article, I share five straightforward ways to show your face on Instagram to boost your brand engagement. And yes, even if you are uncomfortable showing your face on Instagram, these tips will work for you!
As an online seller of goods or services, you need to stand out and differentiate yourself from others in your industry. Even though you can’t control your customer’s mind, you can follow a well-defined brand strategy to positively influence your brand positioning in the eyes of your niche audience. Inside this article, I share the three steps to create strong brand positioning.
With content marketing and lead generation being a huge part of your business, you are consumed with video marketing and on-camera shots. One forgotten piece to this puzzle is what to wear to not only give yourself a boost of productivity but to appear friendly and approachable to your audience. Inside this article, I investigate the 6 Colors To Wear To Immediately Boost Productivity. By understanding COLOR more in-depth, you can kickstart your motivation and be more efficient as you work from home on projects, calls, content, and courses.
Whether you in the beginning stages of promoting your personal brand instead of the company you rep for or you’re in the midst of a new business start-up or you have been dragging your feet on a re-brand – today I want to share where you can look to find inspiration for your brand colors.
You already know that how you market your brand determines how successful it will be. So to have new leads continually drop into your sales process, you need to use the best marketing strategies to connect with your audience. Inside this article, I share with you the BEST marketing strategy to use to build the strongest relationship with your audience possible. Oh… and it’s the best at conversions too.
You know that logos are essential for grabbing the attention of your niche audience. But what’s more important about a personal brand logo using a timeless approach is it makes a solid first impression and becomes the foundation of your brand identity.
Inside this episode, understand how a logo helps you become reliable and trustworthy to your niche audience. Plus, I share the three logo designs you need for your personal brand and how to use them.
As a business builder, you want to make sure you are starting with, and leaving behind, a good impression. But where do you start? Can you use your brand colors to start CONNECTING with possible clients? Yes, you can! Color is very important in branding and marketing...
Oh, and we're going to automate much of it. :)