Set Up To Scale Blog
A hub dedicated to providing small business owners with practical, insightful, and valuable content.
Ep 55: 7 Steps to Execute a Successful Holiday E-Commerce Strategy
Before we get into the different ways to add value for your customer throughout their sales process, you need to understand the difference between price and value.
One of Warren Buffett’s most famous quotes is, “Price is what you pay; value is what you get.”
Price is the amount of money your customer pays for a product.
Value is what your customer perceives the benefits of that product to be and the emotional connection he/she has to the product and the brand concerning the price.
Ep 54: How To Add Value To Your Sales Process
Before we get into the different ways to add value for your customer throughout their sales process, you need to understand the difference between price and value.
One of Warren Buffett’s most famous quotes is, “Price is what you pay; value is what you get.”
Price is the amount of money your customer pays for a product.
Value is what your customer perceives the benefits of that product to be and the emotional connection he/she has to the product and the brand concerning the price.
Ep 53: 6 Ways Better Message Targeting Could Boost Your Business
With the number of people online every day, you have potential buyers out there right now searching for your product offer.
You have a more significant opportunity to reach your audience online than ever before.
But without the correct message targeting every time you share content, you could be losing clients.
Ep 52: From Idea To Launch: The Inner Workings Of A New Passion Business With Tara Tonsetic
When most of my clients start working me, they can’t initially wrap their heads around how all the parts of The Simplistic 5 Step Sales Process will fit and need direction on pulling it all together.
They come to me with thoughts about business ideas and a digital product, and then we sort everything out after that.
They have the idea – and I have the tools and methods to bring it to life.
Ep 51: How To Set Up Your Instagram Brand Profile For Growth
Being it’s my passion to help women monetize their knowledge, which I call brand influence, today I want to jump into the signs to look for that it’s time for you to start your passion business.
And by passion business I mean relying on the intersect of your passions, skills, and interest… many times I refer to that as your superpower as mentioned in Episode 18.
Your superpower is the result of your layers and layers of pivots, life cycles, and experiences that have led you to where you are right now.
Ep 50: The Simplistic 5 Step Sales Process To Running An Automated Business
Many people think you can make a few posts a week about your products to Instagram and Facebook and that sales magically drop into your bank account. But that’s not how running an online business works… and that’s precisely why I believe so many get frustrated when selling on social media or starting a new business. In this article, I’m laying out the sales process steps to follow as you move a customer through your sales funnel… to ultimately make your brand more profitable, faster. This is a must-listen for every business builder who wants more time away from their business!
Ep 49: 4 Signs That It’s Time To Start Your Passion Business With Daniele Mineck
Being it’s my passion to help women monetize their knowledge, which I call brand influence, today I want to jump into the signs to look for that it’s time for you to start your passion business.
And by passion business I mean relying on the intersect of your passions, skills, and interest… many times I refer to that as your superpower as mentioned in Episode 18.
Your superpower is the result of your layers and layers of pivots, life cycles, and experiences that have led you to where you are right now.
Ep 48: How To Prevent Social Media From Impacting Your Mental Health
We as human beings are social creatures – we need to be around others to thrive in life. In-person connections can ease stress, anxiety, and depression, boost self-worth, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness, and even add years to your life.
So when these connections are made it makes a huge impact on our mental health and overall happiness.
But as technology has advanced we tend to rely on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram to fill that connection need.
Ep 47: The Only Way Direct Sales Reps Can Withstand A Company Pivot
So many times clients who are in direct sales will come to me tripped up being able to tie together who they are as a mom, business builder, and a direct sales rep.
They understand that personal branding is important to their success but they struggle with how to promote a personal brand – themselves! – and not a company.
Ep 46: Find Your Brand Colors In These 4 Unexpected Places
Whether you in the beginning stages of promoting your personal brand instead of the company you rep for or you’re in the midst of a new business start-up or you have been dragging your feet on a re-brand – today I want to share where you can look to find inspiration for your brand colors.
Ep 45: 4 Social Media Mistakes You Are Making
So let me just start off by saying you should never rely on social media to build your business.
What?! did I really just say that? Don’t use social media to grow your business, make more sales, connect with more people?
Well yes and no. Let me explain…
Using my Stay in Your Lane Brand Method and the Sales Process I teach – the goal of content marketing should be to build your email list.
Yes – your email list should be your top priority every time you put content out even if that’s on social media.
Ep 44: 5 Ways To Make Sure Your Lead Magnet Isn’t A Big Fail
A lead magnet allows you to grow your email list with ideal clients. But what happens if your lead magnet isn’t performing as you hoped? Do you need to ditch the whole thing and give up? Start over? Probably not! In this article, I share five ways to assure your lead magnet doesn’t fail – and more importantly how a good lead magnet can convert profits for your business on automation!
Explore Stress-Free Marketing Strategies To Grow Your Small Business.
Grow an authentic brand without the pressure of video.