A woman entrepreneur getting ahead in business and life is rarely a lucky accident. Rather, it typically involves hard work, perseverance, tenacity and the right kind of helpful habits. Being a woman entrepreneur myself, for the past 20 years, it’s apparent that there are common traits amongst this select group of women. Now don’t believe that if you are “thinking” of stepping into business ownership you won’t be “successful” without these ahead of time. Just know… as your journey unfolds and you grow, you’ll want to take note that these traits are very important to possess. To sum up… here’s what I’ve found are the ten traits of a successful woman (entrepreneur). They’re a part of “her” character; are they a part of yours?

A woman entrepreneur getting ahead in business and life is rarely a lucky accident. Rather, it typically involves hard work, perseverance, tenacity and the right kind of helpful habits. Here's what I've found are the ten traits of a successful woman.
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1. She has a positive attitude. 

Positivity always triumphs. There’s no energy that can mimic what’s released when a positive, high-stepping woman enters a room. A positive attitude is the fuel needed to drive one from idea conception to realization.

Entrepreneur Magazine says… A positive attitude takes conscious effort on your part. Arrest negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. Listen to the things you’re saying to yourself in your mind. Deliberately use words that focus on constructive, affirming truths about yourself.

To help her stay positive, she surrounds herself with people who’ll encourage, inspire and believe in her. Likewise, she’ll invest in personal development books and gratitude journals to help her bring a stream of positivity into her life.

“You are the average of the people you spend the most time with.”
― Jim Rohn

2. She can overcome obstacles. 

Business isn’t a perfect incline and neither is life. Women who’ve struggled in their lives tend to have amazing inner strength. She will use adversity to her advantage. At the end of a struggle, she’s a better, more valuable person.

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.”

Helen Keller

Mission.org mentions that … Often an obstacle is not intended to weaken her actions. It is an invitation to get clear on the process to advance to the next stage. It is advising her to attend to a particular aspect now instead of the future when she has invested valuable time and energy. You might recall Thomas Edison’s well-known passage of 1,000 ways that did not work to invent the light bulb.

She will find what she’s meant to learn in a struggle, and see that it isn’t as fierce as it appears to be. She shares her voice, her journey and her story. By doing so… she’s able to inspire so many.

“Most of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them.” 

–  Orison Swett Marden

No obstacle is too small or too large for a determined woman.

3. She is strongminded. 

One trait of a successful woman is she is “strong-minded.” No… strong-minded doesn’t mean she’s rude or conceited. It means the opposite. She is confident.

Confident in her decisions, her life, and her image. Above all, she is empowered and takes responsibility for her life.

Now… a strong-minded woman who possesses the “entrepreneurial spirit” …. that’s my fav kind! That my friend requires her to consider possibilities that most aren’t brave enough to. Is that you?

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”
― Oprah Winfrey

A successful woman sets goals that fire her up and bring meaning into her life. Goals are dreams with a plan for realization. She will focus on the journey and how she wants to feel each day.
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4. She sets core goals. 

A successful woman sets goals that fire her up and bring meaning into her life. Goals are dreams with a plan for realization. She will focus on the journey and how she wants to feel each day. For example, these are your core goals. Outer goals are designed to please others and make you “look” successful to the outside world. ie. handbag, new car, etc

A successful woman will commit her short- and long-term goals to writing. Record how and when she’ll achieve them. Post her goals in plain sight and review them often. Then she will record the reward when the goal is attained. She knows she can’t hit a mark she can’t see, and continual success demands a plan.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

A successful woman knows where she wants to be and has a plan on how to get there. She sets goals for herself and puts into place an action plan to achieve those goals. She measures her success, re-evaluates and sets more goals.

Her goals aren’t just career or business focused either. She creates goals around every aspect of her life from her finances through to her health. From her personal achievements through to ticking off her bucket list. A successful woman knows the importance of goals and how to use them effectively.

5. She takes action. 

Successful women know that a good plan executed today is better than a perfect plan executed someday.  They don’t wait for the “right time” or the “right day” or the “right (impossible) circumstances.” They know these reactions are based on a fear and nothing more. 

They know they won’t be an expect on their first try. But, they learn by taking action. It’s okay to think, read, and talk about what it is they’ll be doing, but they still take action. 

In short, they take action here and now, today – because that’s where real progress happens. 

“To fight fear, act. To increase fear — wait, put off, postpone.”
– David Joseph Schwartz

6. She makes time for herself.

With schedules running rife filled with and endless list of to-dos and kids soccer matches, a successful woman knows her own value. She knows that she needs her own ‘time out’ to rejuvenate and focus on herself. 

She cannot take care of everyone else and everything else if she doesn’t first take care of herself, and a successful woman not only knows this, but she also puts it into practice.

For instance, this could be a simple trip to the salon (every few weeks!) or a relaxing bath at home, a catch up with friends or dedicated time alone. Perhaps she might even like to just take a walk alone in the morning. The key is that she schedules in some time somewhere for herself and makes it happen.

 A successful woman gives herself space to let her mind relax. In other words, really successful people rest as hard as they play. They take good physical care of themselves. For example, exercising and eating right, taking mental health days if possible, and knowing when to say “no” and when to take alone time, etc. They’re able to step away from their never ending to-do lists and do something that will keep them going with enough fuel to keep powering through.

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7. She educates herself.

Nobody enters their field knowing everything about their craft or market, and nobody leaves knowing everything either.  As our economy and technology constantly evolve, one has to stay on top of their game in order to be able to utilize their skills to their best ability.  The goal here is to keep an open mind and always tune in to what’s going on in the world as it relates to your work and passions.  In other words, ignorance and refusal to keep learning only benefits your competitors.

No University degree required. Knowledge is power and a successful woman is aware that she needs to be educated. Whether it’s in business or day-to-day life, a successful woman researches, reads and asks questions.

A successful woman knows that everyone she meets knows something she doesn’t know. In addition, she knows that she will never know all there is to know, but can happily become well versed in many different areas.

This woman doesn’t have to be an expert, she doesn’t have to know it all, but she loves learning and when she doesn’t know something, or doesn’t understand something, she will go out of her way to educate herself.

These women do not stay static. They are continually improving themselves, and use mentors, courses and coaches to accelerate their improvement.

“The way you get the most out of every moment you have on the planet, whether that’s personal or for business, is by acquiring new skills and by gradually becoming better at what you do.”

-Tim Ferriss
A woman entrepreneur getting ahead in business and life is rarely a lucky accident. Rather, it typically involves hard work, perseverance, tenacity and the right kind of helpful habits. Here's what I've found are the ten traits of a successful woman.
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8. She has a strong faith.

A successful woman has faith in what she cannot see. You mustn’t be afraid to follow the pathways that perhaps only you can see at this point. 

Successful women see a new and better world in the future and work toward achieving those changes. To sum up, they are in it for the long haul.

They believe in themselves. Believe that they will be successful. Believe in their crazy ideas. And will be ready to think on their feet in order to realize them. You could also call this ego—the confidence to get done what you need to get done (rather than the inflated head variety).

Having a strong faith is an important element in their life. Faith is the one thing that can get them through just about any situation no matter how tough it may seem or feel. By having a strong faith, she will feel more confident and at ease because she will know who to turn to – God. Faith effects all aspects of her life and will make her a better person overall. 

9. She knows her purpose.

This is crucial. The belief in the purpose of their work is the fuel behind years of hard work and dedication. Above all, you will not find a successful women following someone else’s dream and waking up one day to realize that she’s unhappy with her life. 

Having fun to her is being in her flow state. Above all, it’s a time which allows her to perfect her natural talent. She knows how she wants to be remembered. In other words, she’s in align with her purpose and every decision she makes is rooted in pure confidence and joy, rather than fear.

A successful woman has a vision and lives in alignment with her core purpose. She has the certainty that she is always doing the right thing in her life. Her purpose equals freedom.

10. She is imperfect.

A successful woman knows to be “perfect” or expecting perfection from those around them is a one-way ticket to everyone being miserable. Really successful women know this isn’t possible all the time. She embraces her flaws. She will find people who complement her strengths. In short ,she keeps her head down to be the best she can be at each thing, then moves on.

“Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are.” –Brené Brown

To further strengthen your own traits to become a successful woman entrepreneur DOWNLOAD my free worksheet HERE!

To further strengthen your own traits to become a successful woman entrepreneur DOWNLOAD my free worksheet HERE!
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To further strengthen your own traits to become a successful woman entrepreneur DOWNLOAD my free worksheet HERE!
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