Let’s talk about your self care. How’s it looking lately? Be honest.

We all struggle with comparison, self doubt, fears and mindset… but staying on top of our mental health helps control these immensely.


For us CEOs who are required to “work” online all the time it can be hard for us to “unplug”.  You may find these 4 Self-Care tips the perfect way to unwind. 

1. Control Screen Time

Top of the list is controlling screen time …who else is loving the new iPhone tracking feature? On and Off is my mantra lately. In other words, No hiding your shameless social scrolling with that sucker. 

We all struggle with comparison, self doubt, fears and mindset... but staying on top of our mental health helps control these immensely. Sharing 4 self care tips you can start using today.
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2. Meditate

Have just 60 seconds? Try the meditation app called Stop, Breathe & Think.  Don’t forget to show your mind some love. Even for just a few minutes. Just need ONE MINUTE to clear your mind… use their One Minute to Focus or Mindfulness session. For example, Give it 60 seconds and see how you feel.

3. Quiet Time

Don’t discount quiet time. In other words, No kids. No notifications. Just you and nature. As a result, Aloe Bud is a great app for this. A pocket companion for self-care tracking.

4. Journal

As a reminder, friend …you are blessed beyond measure. Journal all you’re thankful for before hitting that pillow. For example, the Notes app on your phone is a great place to document. 

We all struggle with comparison, self doubt, fears and mindset... but staying on top of our mental health helps control these immensely. Sharing 4 self care tips you can start using today.
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Above all, at the end of day “Look up it’s a beautiful world.” This shirt I created for my Shop (above) was at a friend’s request. It’s a daily reminder to simply look up and count your blessings. The world is a beautiful place if you look up to enjoy it.

Have a wonderful week my friends. Another self-care article you may enjoy reading is… “Get the Perfect Sleep Every Night”.

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