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Of course, you are using social media to grow your business, but you get stressed when writing captions and know what to say. You’ve often resorted to copying and pasting what others are posting or using fill-in-the-blank caption templates to escape this frustration. But what if this content strategy or lack thereof was doing more harm than good? Inside this article, I share the two reasons why you get stressed and the three things you need to do first to get unstuck!

Why you are stressed about writing captions

I get it – you’re stressed out when writing Instagram captions. But you know why this is? I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners and know it’s because of two things.

  1. You don’t know enough about your niche market to know how to help them and what to talk to them about.
  2. You aren’t using any kind of content strategy. So you get stressed pretty quickly.

Why Using Caption Templates Hurts Your Brand Long-Term
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How do you solve your stressful caption problem?

So what do you do? You put a bandaid on your problem. What this means is you immediately react and do a search for “Instagram captions” on Pinterest and BAM! You are handed over ‘fill-in-the-blank’ caption templates and told to pair it with a cute photo and call it a day. 

Whew… you got something up on your feed.

  • But did it reflect your brand?
  • Did you connect on a deeper level with your audience?
  • Did you lead them through your value ladder?
  • Did you set them up for a campaign you’re running in the future?

Probably not. Because you opted for a band-aid content template and not a defined strategy.

It’s important for your business to not just check the to-do list box for social media, but do it right

Why you should be using social media

The reason you should be using social media in the first place is to build trust with your niche audience. You want them to see YOU as having authority and experience in your business topic.

  • But if you aren’t sharing your core identity inside your content messaging and captions – how will they create this connection with you?
  • How will they trust you when you are ready to sell to them?
  • Or heck, how do they even know your business topic when you are all over the place with your content?

Here is your problem

The problem most business builders have is a CORE FOUNDATION problem. Their brand isn’t built upon a strategy with a defined interest, niche, or set of beliefs. They are sales-focused or follower-focused instead of being service-focused to a particular niche market… and thus this is why you feel so stuck.

You feel all over the place because you are.

How to fix your caption problem

So let’s stop using fill-in-the-blank caption templates and done-for-you content calendars. Let’s stop posting a caption that directly resembles another in your industry. And for the love let’s stop using the same industry photos. You are hurting yourself in the long run.

Instead, let’s start leading your defined niche audience through your buying ladder. Let’s serve them with content that solves their problems. And let’s allow your personal brand to be positioned front and center with authentic storytelling.

So where do start? 

You start by discovering your core foundation.

  • This is made up of your core interest and the problem you are solving.
  • Followed by your set of beliefs of why you believe in your solution.
  • And ending with your niche audience – the people who need your solution and who you will talk to in all of your captions and content marketing.

That is where you start.

How to stand out without using caption templates

If you need help with this CORE Foundation of your brand I have a Personal Branding Playbook mini-course ready to help walk you through this all. It’s My Proven Plan To Attract More People To Your Brand And Stand Out From Competitors without using caption templates!

Get instant access at

When you go through the playbook you’ll start to…

  • Discover What Makes You, You? – Instead of blending in, we are going to discover what makes you stand out. We will determine your core beliefs and interest.
  • Attract Your Ideal Client – To attract more clients you need to be talking to the right people inside your content. We determine who your niche market and ideal client is. 
  • Find Your Voice – We dive into your brand words, brand adjectives, and brand story – which make up your VOICE and how you share authentically.
  • Write Your Niche Statement –  Let your ideal client know you have the solution to their problem once they land on your social profile or website.
  • Build Your Content – What content topics are best to use based on your core discoveries and lane.

If this sounds like where you need to start again the website to get instant access to this playbook mini course is

Here are Your Two Options

The way I see it you have two options…


Buy bite-size content ideas and fill-in-the-blank caption templates so you can say you posted online today. 

You may get a few likes here and there, or make people laugh.

But the huge downside to this is you won’t be building a strong foundation for your brand.  Nor connecting on a deeper level with your audience. 

Less time, low value. ????????


Go through a set of online brand-discovery workshops so you can discover the fortune that lies hidden in your personal brand. 

Using this approach you can pull from your layers of pivots, life cycles, and experiences to bring authenticity to your content. 

You can lay out a clear strategy of creating meaningful content that not only attracts your target audience but that creates deeper connections with your audience. 

More time, high value. ????????

Ep 65: The #1 Mistake Business Owners Make On Social Media And How To Easily Correct It

In the end

I stand strong in encouraging and teaching online business owners (like yourself) to use your voice, your experiences, and your story to connect with your audience… not offer you some low-value caption templates that may get a few likes but will not make your brand more profitable.

In the end – your audience should get to know how you talk, how you tell stories, and who you really are. And you cannot build that relationship by using templates that someone else wrote for you.

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