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Ready to ditch spammy promotional posts and confusing social media strategies for good? Inside this article, I’m sharing with you the 5 steps to building your own confident, brand-focused online business, which includes incorporating my simplistic sales process.
Good-bye spammy posts
Every week I receive client applications from business owners who want to work with our creative and marketing team to set up an online business.
What these clients have in common is that they aren’t into the spammy promotional posts, copy and paste marketing tactics, or ride or die social media strategies.
They want to build something they have complete control over. They just don’t know what steps to take to get there.
5 Steps to building your own online business
So in today’s episode, I’m sharing with you the 5 Steps to building your own confident, brand-focused online business and you better believe it includes incorporating my beloved simplistic sales process.
So let’s dive in because we have a lot to cover!
Step 1: Brand Strategy
Step one of the business-building roadmap is non-negotiable and it’s to Discover Your Core Foundation – aka your Brand Strategy.
It’s the step you cannot overlook as it holds the key to fueling your entire business and sales process. Attract more people to your brand, which means that you will easily set yourself apart from others when you know what you stand for.
There are three key parts to this step.
- The first is determining your core interest which is the problem you are solving for your client.
- The second is digging into your core beliefs of why you believe in your solution.
- And lastly, the third key to this step is understanding your core niche – this is who needs your solution.
Step 2: Sales Strategy
Step two of the business-building roadmap is to plan your value ladder and sales strategy.
When you think about your ideal client being introduced to your brand what products or offers do you want in their hands first. So think about the exact steps from entry to your brand to their first, second, and third sale. What products do you want them to purchase or download, and in what order based on their #1 problem, then their next #1 problem, and so on? Thus, your value ladder is the order you want your products introduced to your subscribers. Because the last thing we want to do is throw an entire portfolio of products at them at once.
- The most common value ladder starts with your lead magnet. A lead magnet or list builder as some call it could be a pdf, webinar, free coaching call, sample, or coupon. But its purpose is to generate consistent new email subscribers by solving your ideal client’s #1 problem.
- The lead magnet leads to your paid product offers – these could be a service, tangible product, digital product, or a recurring subscription to create a consistent stream of revenue. Popular recurring subscriptions include an online library, coaching service, community membership, or subscription product. Either way, it is your paid how-to solution for your ideal client’s problem.
- Part of your sales strategy is to define Sales Funnel – the emotional journey a prospective client takes with your brand from introduction to after a sale is made.
Step 3: Website Set-Up
Step three of the business-building roadmap is to build your website.
And when I say website – I mean an online platform that you own and control and where you host content. A social media platform cannot provide that for you, no matter how much you love to use your social sharing apps.
Not only does a website offer you a quick way to stand out and validate your business, but it’s how you will maximize your ROI to collect leads and close sales.
Three main focus points to your website include:
- (1) Building your brand identity – with a logo, brand palette, and assets you build a visual memory structure around who you are and the value you offer.
- (2) is to include a niche statement on the front page. A niche statement is a few sentences that qualify leads and set up your unique selling proposition to define your brand the solution you provide. It’s essential to building a strategic, lead-generating website.
- (3) And lastly, the third focus point to a website is to include your brand origin story to welcome people into your journey and encourage them to get to know you on a deeper level.
Step 4: Content Marketing
Step four of the business-building roadmap is your content marketing.
This step is where you use specific original content that your write and record to reach your niche audience at their respective buying levels.
There are three locations that I believe work best to promote your content.
- The first one is on Pinterest. You want to use this search engine to place your solution directly in front of your client.
- The second is inside your blog so you can write content that your ideal client needs to lift your authority and connection.
- And lastly, on social media to attract ready-to-buy clients using a strategic offer campaign schedule.
Related: Ep 77: How To Set Goals That Fulfill Not Frustrate
Step 5: Business Automation
And lastly, step 5 of the business-building roadmap is your on-going efforts to run your business on automation.
This step is where you insert a simplistic sales system to generate high-quality leads and sales conversions on auto-pilot. In a sense, you are continually marketing your sales process.
- One way of doing this is using paid ads to drive traffic to your lead magnets, paid offers, and blog content to grow your leads list and revenue.
- One of my favorite tried and true ways of on-going marketing is in email form. This entails setting up automations to invite clients from one product offer to another along your value ladder.
- None of this automation works without effective Business Tools – save time, reduce costs, increase profits, and enhance your workflow with the best tools that will help you automate your business.
Related: Ep 50: The Simplistic 5 Step Sales Process To Running An Automated Business
To Recap how to build your own business
So to recap the 5 steps to building your own confident, brand-focused online business are:
- Brand Strategy
- Sales Strategy
- Website Set-Up
- Content Marketing
- Business Automation
Related: Ep 52: From Idea To Launch: The Inner Workings Of A New Passion Business With Tara Tonsetic
Automate customer interactions
What’s so incredible about setting up an online business using these 5 steps with a sales process is that you can automate most of your customer interactions from prospecting to selling to nurturing.
When you use this business-building roadmap, you can:
- Shorten the customer journey and move a prospect through your funnel more quickly
- Develop more strategic content marketing strategies
- Bring more consistent, and quality leads into your sales funnel
- Deepen connections with customers and followers
- Increase your customer lifetime value and how much they spend with you
- Reduce your customer acquisition cost
- Grow your list of customer referrals
- Make your brand more profitable faster
- And so much more!
Download the Workbook
To get your hands on the workbook for this 5-Step Business Building Roadmap enter your name and email below.
And if you are ready to inject this roadmap into your own business with the help of our creative and marketing team fill out an application at
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The Social Note Community Portal and Resource Teaching Library shows you how to step into your God-given talents and interests to create multiple income streams authentically. Again the site to visit to learn more is
Ease all your worries
So if you are tired of the everyday reach outs, the constant struggle to get more engagement on your posts, and the overwhelm that comes with social media marketing and closing sales – this business building roadmap is going to ease all your worries.
Since I share awe-inspiring resources and must-have products for business builders like you who want to streamline their business – my content may contain affiliate links for products I use and love. If you take action (i.e. subscribe, make a purchase) after clicking one of these links, I’ll earn a small commission. While it has no effect on your pricing, it’s my responsibility to let you know that an income (however small or large it may be) is made from recommending products I love, use, and share with other awesome people like yourself. With your support, I’m able to commit time to this blog and to each of you on your journey!