New territory is hard!!!! Damn it’s hard. As I was walking my daughter into her first day of Kindergarten… her new school, new teacher, new classmates… new everything I noticed all morning she was lost on emotions.
I could tell she didn’t know whether to be happy, sad, scared, so instead, she acted fake angry. As we got into her classroom she didn’t want to leave my side… she needed her lifeline… her mama to tell her it was going to be ok. She wanted me to stand next to her as she sat in her chair and filled out her sheets, as her class sat on the rug and one last hug and stream of tears as she realized I couldn’t ride the bus home with her.
I wrote on her hand in a permanent marker her bus # so she could always know where to go to get back home. After I wrote 36… she was calm. She knew all she needed to do was get in line 36 when class let out.
Writing those two numbers calmed all her nerves. The tears stopped. She was ok with me leaving the room.
I can see so much of what she went thru today in my own journey as an entrepreneur. Lately, I’ve too felt so many mixed emotions as I start to scale my business and step into new territories… podcast, hiring a team, one on one coaching, masterminds, etc.
But in times of doubt, being scared, happy, confident, and unconfident I lean on my lifeline… I pray and turn to my entrepreneur friends who can lift me back on my feet… hand me a permanent marker and calm my nerves. Tell me I can do hard things and God is placing these dreams in reach because He knows I’m strong enough and stubborn enough to pursue them!
Friends, lean into your fears and hit them head-on. You are strong, you are a doer and you need to make yourself a priority TODAY!
Today when my daughter gets off that bus I’m going to HUG HER HARD. Because WE can do hard things… we can turn unconfident into confident and we will step into new territories together!
Here’s a fist bump to all the entrepreneurs and Kindergarteners stepping into new territories! I see you and pray you to recognize your lifeline. We need all the help we can get! ♥️ If I can be yours … join me in our free Branding Lounge Community CLICK HERE.