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Setting goals for your business is a practice many of us do without much thought or plan. It’s easy to set goals that we think will bring us true fulfillment and success… but without purpose and intention within them, you might be chasing achievements that won’t ever make you happy. If you’d like to choose goals that fulfill you rather than frustrate you, I share five ways to set more fulfilling goals this year inside this article.

When you consider these tips, you will find yourself in a new place. It is a place where you can shift your energy from a place of competition to one of connection to feel freedom and fulfillment in your life and your business.

Why your goals never get hit

Have you ever set goals for the new year and feel completely deflated and miserable by the time Q3 rolls around?

You are not alone… I used to think setting big lofty goals would push me out of my comfort zone to reach them.  Instead, I realized I never developed a precise plan on HOW to achieve them, so those goals never were hit. It wasn’t necessarily that my goal was too high, but I didn’t map out my plan to reach it! 

So many people set goals without breaking them down into projects and tasks throughout the year. Clearly, this is a recipe for overwhelm and failure.

The other part of that was my goals were all outer destination goals. I wasn’t setting the inner goals that would bring me the most joy. 

five ways to set more fulfilling goals this year

It’s easy to set goals that we think will bring us true fulfillment and success. But without purpose and intention within them, you might be chasing achievements that won’t ever make you happy. That’s what happened to me.

If you’d like to choose goals that fulfill you rather than frustrate you, here are five ways to set more fulfilling goals this year.

five ways to set more fulfilling goals this year
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1 – Set Several Core Goals

Also known as inner goals, these are goals that fire you up and bring meaning to your life. These goals Focus on the journey and how you want to feel each day. They include things that fulfill you rather than just bring outside success. 

A Core Goal is a goal that you are continually achieving vs. a goal with a single tangible outcome.

With Core Goals, you are trying to achieve a state of mind daily. It’s the flow state you will find yourself in when you are doing something you love, brings you little tension, and hours go by when it feels like minutes. These are the times when you are most at ease and in your groove… your flow state is your lane.

An outer goal says, “I want to make six figures.” 

A core goal says, “I want to feel abundant every single day.”

So rather than trying to achieve a goal… FOCUS on your state of mind. Ask yourself:

  • What types of core goals do you want to achieve daily? 
  • What is a feeling you want to experience every day? 
  • What would that Core Goal be?

2 – Set Fewer Destination Goals

These are also known as outer goals. Designed to please other people, these outer goals focus on the destination. We think these OUTER GOALS will make us appear successful to the outside world…. (Handbags, CC membership, nice cars, etc.) – but they can become unfulfilling when based on other people, and not what fulfills you. 

Now don’t get me wrong, having some outer goals is healthy and normal, but setting all outer goals lacks vision in your life. Just be sure not to overdo it. You should Drive a specific car brand because you love that car, not because it makes you look successful or admired.

Have you achieved an Outer Goal only to realize that it didn’t make you as happy as you expected? Did the finish line keep moving? That’s usually the case.

Just be sure your outer goals align with how you want to feel instead of worrying about how others perceive you.

3 – Include Non-Career Goals That Bring You Joy

Usually, when setting goals, we think of money goals and sales numbers – but these goals focus solely on your career. What happens is you’ve entirely omitted goals from other parts of your life. You must include activities that bring you joy in your goal setting. 

Whether it’s a goal that provides for reading a book a month, starting a garden, walking a mile a day, or traveling to four new places, be sure you pay attention to areas outside of your business that brings you joy.

4 – Set Realistic But Slightly Stretch Goals

Once you’ve explored possible goals, whether they be for new clients, more income, or a new business – make sure it’s realistic and that you can achieve it in the time frame that you have set for yourself.

For example, when I set goals, I’d guesstimate my business growing 10% month after month, but that’s wasn’t a realistic goal.

What happened is that I’d hit that % goal one month but then not the other 11 months putting me back to square one, being very frustrated and let down. If I would’ve better understood what plan of action it would take to grow my business 10%, I would have known that was a big ambitious goal.

Ensure you know the tasks and effort needed to reach your goals and double-check that they are practical.

5 – Review Your Progress Quarterly

Months go by, and it can feel that you aren’t hitting huge goals.

But you neglect to consider all the smaller objectives you have been hitting weekly. When you analyze frequently, you can celebrate successes and re-analyze goals that need to be tweaked. Maybe priorities have changed, or a goal needs to be edited – This is the time to make those changes.

Goals with Purpose: In Conclusion

When you consider these five ways to set more fulfilling goals this year, you will find yourself in a new place.

It is a place where you can shift your energy from a place of competition to one of connection to feel freedom and fulfillment in your life and your business.

It’s time you feel the freedom and achievement in your business and life that you deserve! And this starts by setting fulfilling goals.


five ways to set more fulfilling goals this year
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In the February video release, my business partner Jenny Taylor and I record a Q/A session where I dig into the inner, outer, and personal goals of my business and life and how I got to choosing these fulfilling goals.

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