You have those days, weeks, and months and heck at times it even feels like years where you feel anxious and overwhelmed with tasks you have yet to complete?

It seems that we give ourselves so many small bite size tasks on our list to accomplish but in reality most times only the small, less meaningful ones get crossed off and completed. So this leads to feeling ‘less than’ inside… and stress fills your thoughts and emotions and the pressure you put on yourself nags at you throughout the day.

Is this you?

You have so many things to do and they never seem to get done? Feeling stretched in a dozen different directions and never enough time to do a great job with every obligation you have?

My friends I was in this exact place not too long ago… I had over the years convinced myself that I could do it all. But the reality was I was extremely stretched too thin, and I wasn’t giving my best effort at what I was saying YES too… and was completely stressing myself out in the meantime.

But there was a simple and effective way out of this cycle. From time to time you have to take a step back and reevaluate what you have on your plate and why.

“Focus is a matter of deciding what things you’re NOT going to do.”

“Focus is a matter of deciding what things you’re NOT going to do.”
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It’s not about ‘hustling’ more.

What it is about is having the right priorities on your plate and in the right order. And ditching the rest for good… or at minimum for right now until your plate is empty again.

It starts with knowing your purpose for your life/business/or any other area you look to improve… as that is the foundation for every task on your plate.

And when you have a strong Purpose, you can become clear about your highest Priority.

When you’re clear about those two, you’ll become a more Productive person.

As I was creating my free Goals with Purpose Course earlier this year is when I first understood how this priority mindset could work. So earlier this year I went all-in with this new way of using my time and setting goals. I then again heard about this same concept as I read the book “The One Thing” by Jay Papasan and Gary Keller.

Today I'm sharing my journey on overwhelm and will help you determine how you got to feeling overwhelmed in the first place and how you are going to ditch that feeling once and forever using this simple strategy!
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It’s time to pull back.

So many lessons came out of those sources but the main idea is ….Don’t stress and overwhelm yourself. Just do what you can right now. We all have obligations, but a comfortable pace can only be found by properly managing your yeses. That’s right… if you feel overwhelm, then you are giving too much of yourself to other people. It’s time to pull back.

Instead of thinking, “Oh my gosh, I’m overwhelmed, there’s too much on my plate!”… let’s do this, I want you to start with a new clean plate today. ⠀

If your plate were completely clean, with limited space, what would you put on it today?⠀

What is most important to you right now? You must remember though, not all “tasks” get the same priority as others.

I love how The One Thing book talks about lining up your dominoes. You start with your SOMEDAY GOAL: What’s one thing I want to do someday? … Then based on your someday goal, What’s the one thing I can do in the next five years? … Then based on your five year goal, What’s the one thing I can this year? … then keep going thru to this month, this week, this day up until now… Based on my daily goal what’s the one thing I can do right now?

What’s on my plate.

For my plate, I have some quiet, focused creating time for my branding courses and businesses; brainstorming time with my colleagues; a weekly excursion with my kiddos; exercise time; tv time with my husband; neighborhood time; reading and learning time; and time alone to think, meditate and unwind before bed.⠀

Those are the things that I’d put on my clean plate (actually those are the things I DO have on my plate) because they feel right to me. All other things need strong convincing for me to get on my plate.

I know my someday goal, five year goal, one year goal, etc… so knowing all this… my plate is full of my most important priorities for making them happen.

Without you even realizing it… your life has became gradually… incredibly complicated. If you’ve ever read the book with your kids “If you give a Moose a Muffin”…. you’ll know what happens when you give a moose a muffin? He asks for jam, of course, and when he’s finished eating all the muffins, he’ll want you to make more. That entails a trip to the store. Of course the moose would like to go, but he may need to borrow a sweater; he might notice a button is loose, in which case he’ll require a needle and thread.

Today I'm sharing my journey on overwhelm and will help you determine how you got to feeling overwhelmed in the first place and how you are going to ditch that feeling once and forever using this simple strategy!
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This is the same dilemma our own minds take us on if we let it. But with self control and a plate with a specific set of priorities – you can keep overwhelm away and that feeling you get when you see what’s left undone.

What’s on your plate?

So I want to know – Comment below what would you choose to put on your plate?

Once you’ve figured that out, you know what belongs on your plate.  And now you just need to constantly look at invitations and activities and requests and tasks that pop up, and ask: “Is this one of the things I would choose to put on my clean plate?”

True purpose has no time limit.
True purpose has no deadline.

No one is able to multi-task … our brain doesn’t allow that to even happen…so stop trying to be some super human that you aren’t … start prioritizing your time.. and see how success comes with it!

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