5 Reasons why talking to fewer people will increase your profits
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Ok so you start a business you have a product or collection of products to sell and you start marketing all of them to everyone in your timeline right? I mean success will come faster if you offer a range of services… the more the merrier.

Because after all… if you just chose to market ONE THING how will you ever get enough customers?

Wow was I wrong

Boy oh boy was this was one area in my business that I missed the mark on big time in the beginning. 

I thought that since I sold skincare and everyone had skin that everyone was my target market for my collection of skincare products. But so happened, when I targeted my niche down to mothers over the age of 35 who still struggled with acne, healthy nutrition, stress and overwhelm my sales increased! I focused on one product and poured value into serving that ideal client.

what is a niche?

If you look up the word “niche” in the dictionary, you’ll discover the following definition:

Niche (n) a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service.

Every business has a niche. The more you can take your niche market and really narrow it down to a core niche individual (other words known as an ideal client avatar or ICA) the better you’ll make connections with the right people.

So here are the five biggest reasons you need to determine your niche:

  1. Attract more of the right people to your brand.
  2. Become an expert in your niche and raise your authority level.
  3. Reduce overwhelm, burnout and feeling stuck!
  4. You can express your most authentic self.
  5. Niches encourage collaboration instead of competition.

No, let’s go into more depth, shall we?

1- You can attract more of the right people to your brand.

When you determine your niche it helps you find the right customers and the right customers find you.

When you can take a niche market and determine who your ideal client is you can stop chasing everyone who might want your product. And instead market to that specific ICA you know WANTS your product.

Let me give you an example of this on Instagram.

Instagram recently announced that YOUR Instagram feed and the posts you are seeing are based on who and what you like. So think of your possible clients. They are seeing the content that Instagram ‘thinks’ they will like based on their past behaviors including the type of posts they’ve liked and commented before. This is INCREDIBLY good news for you… why?

Because when you can NICHE down to a very narrow audience and STAY THERE your content is bound to end up in front of the audience who wants to see it and your business will GROW.

2- You can become an expert in your niche and raise your authority level.

Your audience is full of specific problems and looking for people to help them with that concern. So when you can attract people to your original content your niche wants to find YOUR specific answer to their problem. By giving that to them lifts you up as an expert in that niche industry.

The saying goes…

“It’s difficult to become an expert in every single part of an industry. However, it’s fairly easy to become an expert in a specific market niche.”goodmancreatives.com

Plus it is WAAYYYY more fun to learn and research about a niche that you already enjoy!

3- Reduce overwhelm, burnout and feeling stuck!

You know this to be true in other parts of your life so why do you treat your business any different? When you try to do too much, you spread yourself too thin then get burned out quickly. 

When it comes to your business define a niche you really want to help most and you will know exactly how to serve that group of people. No burnout happens because you thinking small and keeping your energy and focus one narrow area.

4- You can express your most authentic self.

In order to attract MORE of your niche audience, you will need to get comfortable with who you are and letting other people into your world. As you start helping these ideal clients and showing up online as your authentic self they will find you more valuable.

I talk about authenticity in Branding Bites Episode #3 – “6 Reasons why personal branding is a non-negotiable”. I explain how if your brand is attractive, authentic and reliable you can gain the attention of your niche audience! Now more than ever, people want to see your authentic self in content. Your niche audience is exactly who you should be showing it to!

5- Niches encourage collaboration instead of competition.

And isn’t that what we crave more of?  The online world can be fiercely competitive when it comes to business and that does nothing but create stress and more internal defeat. When you can choose a niche market you can lock arms with others in the same industry.

Even if you both are business coaches one could focus on brick and mortar financial offices and the other online creative entrepreneurs. You can collaborate, network and befriend other business coaches to work together. 

Working in a niche encourages collaboration, which supports not only the growth of your business but also your own health and wellness. 

My time-sensitive offer

Because I believe SO MUCH in the power of niching I’m taking the entire MODULE #1 from my branding course and creating a limited time –  Behind my Brand Mini-Course so EVERYONE can get access to the CORE method I use to discover your brand for just $27!

If you want to generate endless ideas of what to post about, create meaningful content your audience pays attention to, or even if you want to use your superpower to attract new clients, then this is where you need to start!

Use the core method taught in this mini-course to uncover your superpower to make your brand more profitable, faster. After this mini-course, you will know who you are talking to and what to talk to them about to grow your business. Get INSTANT ACCESS HERE: https://kristinkorn.com/minicourse

This $27 price won’t last long – Get instant access today at kristinkorn.com/minicourse

In the End

These FIVE reasons for choosing a niche will make your brand more profitable faster. And I know that’s what you want.

You can make more money if you define a niche. 

More customers will find you and will be the right customers and every decision you make with your niche client in mind will only propel your business forward.

When you can think of more ways to become a big fish in a little pond, instead of a little fish in a big pond and narrow down your niche as slim as possible you will watch your sales increase. 


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