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Phrases like empowered women, women empowerment, and positively empowered are thrown around more often these past few years. But what if they are doing more harm than good when it comes to encouraging women to start new businesses? Women empowering other women to become entrepreneurs – Is that a good thing? Inside this article, I break down the mean of EMPOWERING women and why you might think twice about using that term again. Read along as I share 4 Reasons You Don’t Need To Be Empowered To Start A Business!

Empowered women meaning

Phrases like empowered women, women empowerment, and positively empowered are thrown around more often these past few years. 

They were part of movements to encourage women’s equality, increase female-owned businesses and authority in the workplace.

And although those are important topics – do you know what the word EMPOWER means?


  1. give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

Women Don’t need Permission

While most women use the term to help women be stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their lives and claiming their rights – if you really dissect the meaning, I don’t think ANY WOMAN needs to be given authority or permission to do something. 

They shouldn’t need someone else to give them the okay to speak their minds, start a business, or sit in top positions within a company.

This is hurting the start up of business owners

If you really think about it – EMPOWERING women is hurting the increase in female business owners. They think they need permission. 

Women should never be on the receiving end of power – waiting for it to be given to them, waiting to be empowered. Ummmm, no thanks! This is 2021, and we don’t need anyone to allow us to do something.

Anne Frank once said ….

“Everyone has inside of her a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!” – Anne Frank.

Empowering Women: How to make real progress

I was reading an article written by Sallie Krawcheck, the chairman of a professional women’s network, and she said, “It can’t be about “empowerment” any longer. To make real progress, it has to be about power—using and growing the power we women already have.”

When I read this, I knew this topic needed to be discussed on this podcast. Us women don’t need to be empowered! We don’t need permission to show up, speak out, or start a business.

What we should be doing is helping each other recognize the power we already possess. Now that power may be covered up in layers of self-doubt and fear, but it’s still there, just waiting to come alive.

Why I’m not using the word EMPOWER any longer

Starting today, I’m removing the word EMPOWER from all my marketing and instead using the word ENCOURAGE. 

When used as a verb encourage means: (verb) – give support, confidence, or hope to (someone).

I encourage women to take control of their lives with grace, strength, and confidence to serve others. This means I’m not here to GIVE you power – but to help you find it deep within and support you while you use it!

Ep 78: The Mindset You Need To Become An Entrepreneur


4 Reasons You Don’t Need To Be Empowered To Start A Business
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4 Reasons You Don’t Need To Be Empowered To Start A Business

  1. You already know who you are. You haven’t lost yourself – you are just allowing others to step in front of you. You are allowing bosses, motherhood, and family members to define your role. In other words, you know your strengths and weaknesses; now it’s about using them to the best of your ability in a business.
  2. You never stopped learning. You don’t need to be permitted to expand your skillsets and education on topics you enjoy. You have the opportunity to go to the library, bookstore, purchase an online course, or join a membership to access resources that interest you and sharpen your business skills. You don’t need to be given permission to do that.
  3. You already know what you want. I know this because you dream about things, places, and situations. By knowing what you don’t want – gets you closer to what you do. You don’t need permission to dream and mentally define your goals.
  4. You can do things alone. You took a shower, got dressed, drove yourself to work or to the grocery store, and safely returned home today, all without permission. You know what energizes you, and although you may need to permit yourself to do MORE of those things – you certainly don’t need permission from anyone else.

So there you go! You don’t need anyone to tell you who you, permit you to keep learning, tell you what you should want, or wait to get help! You have the power right now inside of you to START that business you dream of.

And if you do need permission – you need to call for help right away because you, my friend, are in the wrong relationship.

How we advocate for women

I will continue to advocate and encourage all women to step into their power and use it to serve others. Inside our Social Note Membership, we help you do just that by understanding and sorting through your skills and giftings to create a business you’re passionate about.

So if you have a nudge to start a business, it’s not too late for you. Maybe you see other people capitalizing on multiple streams of income, and you’ve always wondered, “what is their secret?”

We are here to share with you – there is no secret about it. We believe everyone has the capacity to have multiple streams of income. We are sharing the 3 steps to uncover your next business idea in our 10-minute Webcast hosted by Jenny Taylor and myself.

Get instant access at

3 Simple Steps To Uncover Your Next Purpose-Driven Business Idea … Even If You Think You Have No Unique Skills That Will Set You Apart From Others!

Sign up… it’s free!

After watching this 10-Minute Webcast you’ll start to uncover the power inside of you that you can build a business with. 

Again the website to sign up for the webcast is

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