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Inside this article, I give some insight into how to determine your CORE brand foundation strategy by asking yourself three questions. Remember, this becomes the backbone of everything you do in your business… from marketing to campaigns, to copywriting for emails, to promoting products, to everything.
Looking for direct sales help?
For many of you, one of your income streams is direct sales… it may not be your 100% focus, but it’s a way for you to get a discount on products you love and make a side income with it. I get it. I’ve been a part of at least one direct sales company for the past decade for the same reason.
While I help women of all industries generate high-quality leads and increase sales conversions, my audience is primarily made up of women with one foot in direct sales. And of those women, most have been a part of direct sales for quite some time, but as of late are struggling to see growth in it. So they are looking outside their industry for sales help. And they land here on this podcast, downloading my resources and asking me for help.
I know this because when running data for 2020 – the most downloaded Branding Bites Podcast was Ep 14: The 5-Step Method For Building A Direct Sales Business On The Web, which means more and more people are looking for a new way to market their business.
Whether you want to learn my sales process DIY yourself from my online courses or hire me DFY to come into your business and set it up for you – you are here. You are eager to learn how to have more meaningful social interactions, more qualified leads coming to you, and more leads converting into paying clients.
How to start to stand out
So today, I want to help you start this process.
I talk about my CORE Simplistic Sales Process a ton because it’s how I generate leads and conversions.
I believe the same process works whether you are in Direct Sales, have a traditional brick and mortar business, or sell online.
But the CORE to all it comes with defining your core interest, niche, and beliefs ahead of time.
That’s why determining your CORE foundation is the #1 thing we do if you work with me 1:1 or if you are diving into my Business Building Roadmap. It’s what you stand for that sets you apart from others.
And in direct sales – there are hundred of thousands of reps with the same products as you – so this is a top priority for you.
>>> Ep 34: How To Create More Income Streams In Your Business
This is more necessary than ever before
In a world of increasing distractions and “shiny objects,” discovering YOUR core foundation and promoting WHO you really are is more necessary than ever before.
Because I believe when you’re living in alignment with your true purpose and core, then every decision you make is rooted in pure confidence and joy, rather than fear.
And we all know FEAR is what controls our success.
And THAT is why I teach every business owner to build their brand by rooting yourself in who you are instead of who you want everyone to believe you are.
So real quickly I’m going to give some insight on how to determine your CORE foundation. Remember, this becomes the backbone of everything you do in your business… from marketing, to campaigns, to copywriting for emails, to promoting products, to everything.
To start, I want you to take the time to answer three questions. This might take you one evening, one week or even one month.
Q1. WHO do you enjoy helping the most?
Q2. WHAT is the problem you are solving for them?
Q3. WHY do you believe in your solution?
And that becomes your CORE Foundation.
- The WHO is your core niche,
- the WHAT becomes your core interest,
- and the WHY are your core beliefs.
Over and over again in your marketing speak to your core niche about your core beliefs with your interest in mind.
And walla – you immediately stand out.
I’ve created an entire mini-course to help you discover your core foundation – what you stand for that sets you apart from others. There are more details that go into these three questions and I lay it all out for inside the video + workbook course – get signed up online at
Brand Strategy: Don’t let this be a roadblock
This exercise can be a roadblock for many, but once you carve out WHO you are, you can then complete the next three steps on my Business Building Roadmap.
- Discover your core foundation – what you stand for that sets you apart from others
- Monetize your influence – solve the number one problem of your ideal client
- Promote your brand – increase awareness and generate high-quality leads
- Expand your impact – scale your brand in a humble and confident way
Recap: Brand Strategy
This exact method was how I was able to turn a stuck and stagnant business into one that is more profitable, fun, and meaningful without large ad spends or an enormous email list.
Without sharing your story, leveraging your brand influence, and initiating an intentional content strategy, you aren’t setting yourself apart from ANYONE.
So if you are in direct sales, have a traditional brick and mortar business, or sell online, or a mixture of all three… my advice is to always lead with YOUR Core foundation and the WHO, WHAT, and WHY.
Give more of you to your audience.
It’s a fact that more and more social media users crave authenticity. So stop worrying about a heavily edited preset-perfect feed and start spending more time with your messaging and discovering your core foundation.
Since I share awe-inspiring resources and must-have products for business builders like you who want to streamline their business – my content may contain affiliate links for products I use and love. If you take action (i.e. subscribe, make a purchase) after clicking one of these links, I’ll earn a small commission. While it has no effect on your pricing, it’s my responsibility to let you know that an income (however small or large it may be) is made from recommending products I love, use, and share with other awesome people like yourself. With your support, I’m able to commit time to this blog and to each of you on your journey!