Small Business Automation Articles

Ep 114: The Best Marketing Tools to Build Your Brand Online This Year

Listen here Podcast Show Notes We live in a world where more and more people are starting their own businesses, but building a brand can be difficult. There are so many tools out there that will help you get started with various aspects of your social media...

Ep 113: How to Keep Your Website Traffic Growing

Listen here Podcast Show Notes Are you still struggling to increase your website traffic? Your business might be at a standstill when it comes to attracting new customers, and that's not where you want to be. It's time for a change! But how do you maintain and grow...

5 Social Media Captions You Should Avoid

Social media is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to build brand awareness, social reach, and customer loyalty. But with social media being such an integral part of our lives, it's important to know how to use social media for your business or personal brand...

Ep 109: How to Write a Blog Post for Maximum SEO

Listen here Podcast Show Notes SEO Optimization and writing a blog article for maximum SEO can be tricky. It is essential to focus on keywords, but there are other things that you need to keep in mind when writing your post. This episode discusses some of the most...
The 6 Fundamentals of Digital Marketing and Why You Need It

The 6 Fundamentals of Digital Marketing and Why You Need It

Small businesses and solopreneurs always look for new and innovative ways to reach customers and grow their businesses. And digital marketing is one of the most effective tools for doing just that. What is digital marketing? In short, it is the use of digital channels to promote a business. This includes things like websites, social media, and email marketing. Digital marketing is more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods, and it provides better results. Additionally, digital marketing can help to increase brand awareness for your business. This blog article will explore what digital marketing is and why every business should be using it!

Your Step by Step Guide To Building A Website

Your Step by Step Guide To Building A Website

As a solopreneur, you know that having an online presence is essential to reach new customers and grow your brand. But how do you create a website that will engage your audience and help you achieve your business goals? In this article, I will walk you through the entire process, from choosing a domain name to designing and launching your site. Plus, I’ll give you tips on how to make sure your website is optimized for search engines and mobile devices.

Ep 122: 7 Instagram Content Ideas To Boost Engagement

Ep 122: 7 Instagram Content Ideas To Boost Engagement

Instagram can be a great platform for businesses and individuals to share photos and videos with their followers, but it’s important to post fresh and interesting content regularly to keep followers engaged.

If you’re like most small business owners, you’re always looking for new and innovative ways to boost engagement on Instagram. But what happens when you run out of ideas on what to post? Here are 7 Instagram content ideas that your followers will love!

Ep 49: 4 Signs That It’s Time To Start Your Passion Business With Daniele Mineck

Ep 49: 4 Signs That It’s Time To Start Your Passion Business With Daniele Mineck

Being it’s my passion to help women monetize their knowledge, which I call brand influence, today I want to jump into the signs to look for that it’s time for you to start your passion business.

And by passion business I mean relying on the intersect of your passions, skills, and interest… many times I refer to that as your superpower as mentioned in Episode 18.

Your superpower is the result of your layers and layers of pivots, life cycles, and experiences that have led you to where you are right now.

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Ep 48: How To Prevent Social Media From Impacting Your Mental Health

Ep 48: How To Prevent Social Media From Impacting Your Mental Health

We as human beings are social creatures – we need to be around others to thrive in life. In-person connections can ease stress, anxiety, and depression, boost self-worth, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness, and even add years to your life. 

So when these connections are made it makes a huge impact on our mental health and overall happiness.

But as technology has advanced we tend to rely on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram to fill that connection need.

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Ep 45: 4 Social Media Mistakes You Are Making

Ep 45: 4 Social Media Mistakes You Are Making

So let me just start off by saying you should never rely on social media to build your business.

What?! did I really just say that? Don’t use social media to grow your business, make more sales, connect with more people?

Well yes and no. Let me explain… 

Using my Stay in Your Lane Brand Method and the Sales Process I teach – the goal of content marketing should be to build your email list. 

Yes – your email list should be your top priority every time you put content out even if that’s on social media.

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Ep 44: 5 Ways To Make Sure Your Lead Magnet Isn’t A Big Fail

Ep 44: 5 Ways To Make Sure Your Lead Magnet Isn’t A Big Fail

A lead magnet allows you to grow your email list with ideal clients. But what happens if your lead magnet isn’t performing as you hoped? Do you need to ditch the whole thing and give up? Start over? Probably not! In this article, I share five ways to assure your lead magnet doesn’t fail – and more importantly how a good lead magnet can convert profits for your business on automation!

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Ep 42: Three Ways To Grow Your Client Leads Using Social Media

Ep 42: Three Ways To Grow Your Client Leads Using Social Media

It’s no secret that I love social media for creating deeper connections with my clients – but do you know that there’s a simple strategy I use to do this?
There is.
If you are feeling overwhelmed when it comes to what to post to social media to grow your business… I want to break it down for you in this episode. Get ready… I’m sharing THREE WAYS to grow your client leads using social media and from here on out your “overwhelm” with content will be gone!

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Ep 40: Overcoming Being Paralyzed By The Lie Of Perfection

Ep 40: Overcoming Being Paralyzed By The Lie Of Perfection

I talk to a lot of business builders about what holds them back. Why do they drag their feet when doing things that they know will grow their business?
Their reply 9 times out of 10 always has to do with some sort of fear…. But when I really think about fear – isn’t fear present in our minds because we are always chasing perfection?
The perfect headshot, the perfect caption, the perfect grid, the perfect sales page, the perfect email… and producing the perfect product.
If we could reach PERFECTION then we’d have no fear of what others thought. Fear of other people’s opinions.
So how do we combat this? How do we overcome showing up to the world as imperfect and being totally OK with someone having an opinion of us?
This is definitely a voyage I’ve personally been on for years and years and inside this episode, I’m going to share what I’ve done to combat this paralyzation of my business when it comes to “striving for perfection.”

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Ep 39: How To Stand Out When You’re All Selling The Same Thing

Ep 39: How To Stand Out When You’re All Selling The Same Thing

Are there hundreds if not thousands of other people who sell the same thing as you?

This could be the case if you are part of a direct sales business and sell oils, skincare, lotions, or supplements…

Maybe you have your own online shop filled with mugs, shirts, and journals – some custom and some drop-shipped – but overall the sayings you sell on your merchandise resemble other retailers.

Or maybe you’re a creative and you design custom birthday signs, watercolor paintings or pencils drawings.

Either literally or figuratively – you are all selling the same thing.

Have you ever really thought about that?

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Ep 38: How to Motivate Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere

Ep 38: How to Motivate Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere

If I’ve heard it once I’ve heard it 100x times…. “If I could just motivate my team I’d reach (my goal).”

This is usually heard on repeat in the direct sales industry when you’re trying to reach some sort of goal where you need more sales for the month in order to reach a volume or title goal. If you’ve ever tried to manage any sort of team before I know you’ve said it to.

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Oh, and we're going to automate much of it. :)

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