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On the Last Episode, I shared what steps to take to overcome the ‘comparison trap’ with a gratitude state of mind in order to live with such clarity you will have no time or need to compare your life to others. If you missed it, go back to Branding Bites Podcast Episode #9. Today I want to piggyback off that topic and share ten caption starters In Order To Express Gratitude on Social Media as a business owner.

It will take some thinking (and probably thinking in a new way) and sharing some personal thoughts about your journey but don’t be afraid to get personal and let people into your world. 

Remember, you are a brand and the more you can share who you really are the better it is for creating authentic relationships and trust.

Be yourself and share your heart

I’ve come up with TEN caption starters to help you on your path to sharing gratitude on social media in a way that WORKS FOR YOU!  These captions starters are simply that… a question to answer in your post that makes up the copy (or text) of your post, blog, or email. They can easily kick start your copywriting creativity! If you need to answer the question out loud as if your friend across the table just asked it to you. Record your response then translate it to text for your post copy.

Regardless of where you take these caption starters the idea is to be YOURSELF and share your heart. 

Gratitude is contagious and is a positive way to use YOUR INFLUENCE. 

Remember social media is a tool to attract and serve. The more you serve your network the more success you will experience! 

10 Caption Starters To Express Gratitude on Social Media
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10 Social Media Gratitude Caption Starters 

  1. What do you like about being an entrepreneur?
  2. What is your favorite thing about your employees, team, or business partners? 
  3. Who is your favorite cheerleader? You know, the one that has whispered in your ear they believe in you from day one. Share what they do that has made you believe in YOU even on days when you weren’t sure you could do it. 
  4. Describe a lesson you learned (maybe the hard way) during your CEO journey and why you’re grateful for the lesson.
  5. Who are five people that you need to THANK because they impacted your CEO journey and share how and why did they impact you?
  6. What is something that you experience daily as an entrepreneur that you’re thankful for? 
  7. You’ve got your CEO hat on and a successful friend is having a tough day. What piece of advice do you share with them to help them move from point A to point B? 
  8. Who taught you a valuable lesson on your journey? Share the lesson and share why it impacted you so much.
  9. What do you love most about your clients?
  10. What do you love about your town? Maybe the cozy spots for getting work done or meeting friends after work?


I’ve also included a few starter sentences for each caption starter to get your creative flow going. Click the button below to download this free Gratitude Caption Starter PDF.

Gratitude Caption Starters Workbook
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Create a deeper connection with your ideal client with value-driven content.

Do you Still have writer’s block?

If you are still having writer’s block it’s most likely because you don’t’ know who you are speaking to in your social media content.  Without a clear niche audience in mind, your content will be speaking to the wrong people and you can throw conversion out the window.

My advice is to start back at square one with my Personal Branding Playbook. Inside you’ll not only be able to do a full self-discovery on your brand, but you’ll be able to nail down your niche audience and the insight you need to attract them by writing content for them.


Subscribe today for strategies on how to grow an authentic brand without the pressure of video.

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