Today I want to talk about why talking to too many people actually will HURT your profits. This means I’m going to help you carve your space and find your niche and be known for a very specific thing.
I love how Amy Porterfield says….
“The Riches are in the Niches” and I couldn’t agree more and am living proof that this is true.
So yes you are a skincare rep or health coach .. but that’s way to broad… you are trying to reach too many people…your net is too large.
To narrow your niche down… think about what is your journey with the products or service that you offer?
Narrow it down
Yes people may find you for all the products you offer… but in order to find profitability you need to narrow it down to one client avatar and they become your niche.
What would your audience or followers say that you are known for? Career wise? We’ve all got that special something that we want to be known for. That thing that attracts your customers to you effortlessly and grows your audience with ease.
That “it” factor, is what you are known for, it is the foundation for your positioning in every part of your personal brand.
It’s also the path to increase your profit and purpose.
What people do wrong
Many people stop themselves from confidently staking their claim on what they want to be known for out of fear of getting put themselves in a box.
People think they will lose sales if they don’t open every door to their business.. I sell this and this and this – but it’s the opposite!
You’ll gain profits by reaching a specific group of people and helping them.
You can be passionate about many things – and you can still talk about those things in your feed and stories, but you have to narrow it down!
You can transform lives at a different level when you get super specific about who your client avatar is that you are talking to.
The truth is, you can’t create a recognizable brand if you’re not known for something specific.
And you can always pivot.
How I did this wrong
I used to want to be known as a general serial entrepreneur but that wasn’t doing anything for my business. I needed to funnel it down and get super super specific about who I was… and get specific with my priorities to who I would reach with that focus.
The niche for my Kristin Korn brand is personal branding.. but not for large brands or businesses… my client avatar is beginner entrepreneurs ready to start using social media to grow their brand and business… people who’ve recently transitioned into starting their own side business who’ve never used social media in that form before. I want to set THEM up for success.
So my Kristin Korn niche is // Helping women new to the entrepreneur space navigate how to build their personal brand. Using social media and a focused media mix approach for life + business in an authentic yet intentional way!
And for my Kristin Korn Skincare Business (which I treat completely separate) my niche is // Offering tips and resources for young moms struggling with acne and hormones. Because that’s who I was when you started my business and I have the skincare stories and struggles to share… I know all about how SHE (my client avatar )is feeling and going through because I was her.
Remember your niche isn’t mentioning a company name or who you rep for… above all, it’s all about WHO specifically you are helping with your products or service.
Clear messaging
Make sure your message is crystal clear messaging.
Where do people start with you? Where are they at the beginning of the journey when they come in contact with your business? Above all, this is a great place to start the conversation and create a lead…
Who’s your client avatar?
If you are in skincare think…
- What kind of products are they using now?
- Are they thinking of using premium skincare?
- It’s most likely who YOU were when you came into the business.
Talk about what you are known for a lot
Weave in these niche topics into everything that you do and always come back to it. Only talk about your niche area of expertise and to an audience that is a good fit. This is SO important to do this in your captions – text of your posts! Bring everything back to your IT thing. Don’t be shy – put a stake in the ground.
Kristin Korn is known for personal branding strategies and tips for beginner entrepreneurs.
Keep in mind, this can pivot and can change in the years to come.. but stick with what you are doing right now… this helps with content creation!!! In the end, get clear about what you are known for and you’ll have an easier idea for things to talk about.
Don’t be afraid to ask people to share with you what they think you are all about. Ask a couple customers or fans what you are best known for and go from there.
In other words, this is so important for your word of mouth marketing – people need to know exactly what you do so they know who to refer to you!
For instance, when one of my followers runs into a mom struggling with acne – she can say – “My friend Kristin had the same story and can help you – here’s her info.”
Or if someone is new to business ownership and struggling with how to market their business on social media without looking spammy – they will think of me as helping new entrepreneurs with personal branding.
If this video has your wheels spinning let me invite you to my FREE …. One Thing Masterclass: The Video Training Everyone’s Talking About
If you’re a Modern Entrepreneur who wants better results with Personal Branding but you struggle ???? with wasting time doing it all wrong then you need ▶️ “The One Thing Masterclass” to build a reputable personal brand on the internet.
Head over to to catch the next hour long livestream and learn what you need to do today to start building a reputable brand on the internet!