Whether it’s my basketball coaching husband or my entrepreneurial self … one thing is certain. Doing the hard and putting yourself out there will only bring you closer to your goals. In this vlog I’m sharing why and how to move yourself forward!

“You need to do hard things to be happy in life.  Because the hard things ultimately build you up and change your life from the inside out.”

Let go of controlling what can’t be controlled.

First off, fear is causing you to be stressed, not external factors like your job obligations or family issues.  Those external factors are just a part of life, but they become stressful when you fear failure, fear people won’t like you, fear you’re not good enough, fear abandonment, and so forth.

Your fears are based on some fantasy in your head about how things are supposed to be (and you fear that your life may not live up to that fantasy): you have an image in your head that you’re going to be perfect, have people like you, be comfortable all the time, and succeed on all fronts.  

These fantasies are a way to feel in control of a world that you don’t actually control, but they’re hurting you by causing fear and stress.  Instead, let go of control.  Be OK with chaos and uncertainty, and trust that things will work out.  

Whether it’s my basketball coaching husband or my entrepreneurial self ... one thing is certain. Doing the hard and putting yourself out there will only bring you closer to your goals. Today I’m sharing why and how to move yourself forward!
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You’ll fear less and feel less stress. 

I’ve been a coach’s spouse for 10+ years and have seen the best of coaches or leaders prove they are the right coach for a team and even after winning championships they will still be criticized by some. For the smallest things… their voice, their hair, their clothes. The lesson goes… You cannot control what others think of you – but you can control your reactions.

Show up. Be yourself. Stand confidence in who you are and what you have to offer to the world and shut out the negative. And let’s be honest the negative is always louder on social media than it is in real face to face situations.

I’m in this coaching circle and there’s nothing worse than a loud, unloving, uneducated fan on social media hiding behind some stock photo for a profile pic and random handle name. You have more guts than they ever will!

The only way you can tackle the fear is by surrounding yourself with more than enough positive. And making sure your self worth isn’t coming from an outside nature. Whether it’s a fan base, a team you lead, or a social following you crave. 

DO THE HARD. {everyday}

No one wants to believe it… I mean the “easy” way is getting you by, right?? … But is that all that’s really inside you?

NO, my friend it’s not. Playing it safe on the surface level will not give you advancements in life.  

You need to do the hard things to be happy and fulfilled in life. The things most people avoid, such as those that make you uncomfortable, that are far easier to HIDE from, that others can’t do for you, that make you second-guess yourself and question how you’re going to find the strength to push forward.


Because the hard things ultimately build you up and change your life. They make the difference between existing and living, between knowing the path and walking it, between a lifetime of empty promises and one filled with progress and fulfillment.

What ‘doing it hard’ looks like for me

Doing the hard in my family looks like my husband purposefully choosing to take a multiple five figure paycut 6 years ago to further advance his coaching career. Hard to walk away from a fantastic job making more money than he ever had in the past… hard? YOU Bet… looking back now 6 years ahead… was THE BEST hard decision he could have made for his career at that time.

It looks like for me … a few years ago making an intentional effort to share my voice, my mistakes, my past, my thoughts, and my future goals with my social followers. Becoming extremely vulnerable in an effort to connect on a trust-filled level with more people. Was it awkward at first to talk about my self all the time? Of course. But by doing so my inbox floods with comments of how I’ve given others more confidence to do the same. 

Easy is easy for a reason… 

Join me and choose a life of  learning new skill sets and being BETTER everyday. Yes, even if it means DOING THE HARD. 

Doing the hard will ALWAYS PAY OFF. In experience and in monetary value. It sure has for both my husband and myself  and it can for you too. 

Let me know by commenting below that you are doing the hard or you’ll start. 

Go sign up for that course to learn something new, go apply for that job, go reach out to that mentor…. See every experience as a learning opportunity.

Because what I can promise you is I will do my best to be a positive influence in your life as other mentors have been for me. 

And of you want to learn how to use science-backed methods to grow an unshakeable inner core of strength, calm, and happiness watch this Marie Folio interview with Rick Hanson.

Rick Hanson’s Strategies for Building Inner Strength

From Marie Forleo: “Today’s guest is Dr. Rick Hanson, a psychologist and expert on the science of positive neuroplasticity. I’ve read all of his books including Hardwiring Happiness and Buddha’s Brain. His work has transformed the way I handle negative thoughts and experiences.

Rick’s latest book, Resilient, takes it even further. It provides science-backed methods to grow an unshakeable inner core of strength, calm, and happiness. Get ready to change your brain and life as you know it.”

Discover how to:

  • Turn fleeting feelings of confidence and calm into your permanent character makeup.
  • Stop treating past trauma like it’s your destiny.
  • Give your brain the ultimate multivitamin.
  • Combat your brain’s natural negativity bias.
  • Transform every experience into a learning opportunity.

Related Articles: “What Voice in Your Head are You Listening To?”

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