Are you a small business owner in search of a personal brand logo? Do you know what your personal brand stands for but missing the visual element?

As a creative designer I see people often dive head first and anxious to have their personal brand logo created without even knowing the strategy behind their brand. And no your logo IS NOT your brand. The two are not interchangeable. They are very different yet interdependent.

Let me repeat, a logo isn’t your brand… YOU are your brand but having a consistent palette, font and look to your online presence certainly will make you stand out and people will take notice. I mean, that’s the whole point right? Is to get more people to notice you and your personal brand?

What defines a personal brand is so much more than a visual identity. Just because you have a logo … doesn’t mean you have a brand. Let me explain.

What defines a personal brand is so much more than a visual identity. Just because you have a personal brand logo ... doesn't mean you have a brand.
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What’s your logo?

A logo is the physical representation, a symbol, icon, emblem, letter mark or word, for your personal brand. At the basic level, logos are symbols made up of text and images that help you create your brand mark.

Your personal brand logo is the cornerstone of your strategy and overall brand. It helps customers understand what you do, who you are and what you value. A lot of responsibility just for one image? Yep it is! That’s why you need to understand your BRAND before you jump into your LOGO.

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Besides being just plain nice to look at, logos are great for email signatures, stationery, business cards, websites, blogs, social media images and so much more! For my clients I produce an entire Brand Board so they have a visual strategy for their personal brand palette, Typefaces and three logo options to use for all their marketing needs.

What defines a personal brand is so much more than a visual identity. Just because you have a personal brand logo ... doesn't mean you have a brand.
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What’s your Personal Brand?

Your brand is intangible; it’s how you’re perceived by your customers in the marketplace. You try to influence this with your personal brand strategy, which is a company’s or in this reference – personal brand’s – tone, image, marketing tools, and so much more. A good branding strategy gets you noticed in the marketplace and on social platforms. That’s the goal: to get noticed, and build a strong relationship with your audience. A good brand encourages repeat customers. 

First you must identify and determine your personalized brand strategy. If you don’t know WHO you are, WHAT you stand for, or what your VALUES are … then let’s start there before jumping into a personal brand logo.

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When to have your logo created?

In my years of experience as a creative designer who’s completed hundreds of brand boards and logos for personal brands and companies… I suggest you get focused on your vision, purpose, and the direction for your brand before getting logo done.

Remember, your logo is part of your branding, not the other way around. So why jump into a logo if you have no clue what you want it to represent and stand for?

Your brand is made up of a set of perceptions people have about you. Just like the quote reads…

Your brand is made up of a set of perceptions people have about you. Just like the quote reads...
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Your personal brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.

In other words, it can be thought of as the big-picture impression that you leave on a consumer, social follower or teammate. This impression can be left by many things, such as your advertisements, commercials, customer service, social media presence, and yes your logo as well.

Another blog entry you may enjoy is “Behind the Scenes: My Lifestyle Photography Shoot.” Read here.

What defines a personal brand is so much more than a visual identity. Just because you have a personal brand logo ... doesn't mean you have a brand.
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