Set Up To Scale Blog
A hub dedicated to providing small business owners with practical, insightful, and valuable content.
5 Simple Instagram Carousel Ideas to Increase Saves
Instagram carousel posts are one of the most creative tools you can use because they are a way that you can share multiple photos or videos in one post to your Instagram grid. With a solid creative strategy, you can boost engagement levels, increase brand loyalty, and even drive product sales! I know you’re wondering how your brand can best utilize this feature – So I’ve come up with 5 Simple Instagram Carousel Ideas to Increase Saves. Tell a visual story without overwhelming your feed and get more engagement in the meantime.
Ep 66: How To Practice Self-Compassion With A Perfectionist Mindset
I talk to a lot of business builders about what holds them back. Why do they drag their feet when doing things that they know will grow their business?
Their reply 9 times out of 10 always has to do with some sort of fear…. But when I really think about fear – isn’t fear present in our minds because we are always chasing perfection?
The perfect headshot, the perfect caption, the perfect grid, the perfect sales page, the perfect email… and producing the perfect product.
If we could reach PERFECTION then we’d have no fear of what others thought. Fear of other people’s opinions.
So how do we combat this? How do we overcome showing up to the world as imperfect and being totally OK with someone having an opinion of us?
This is definitely a voyage I’ve personally been on for years and years and inside this episode, I’m going to share what I’ve done to combat this paralyzation of my business when it comes to “striving for perfection.”
Ep 65: The #1 Mistake Business Owners Make On Social Media And How To Easily Correct It
You are eager to use social media to sell and increase sales in your business. But without the right content strategy, your posts could end up in the black hole of Instagram. Inside this article, I share what you are doing wrong when it comes to setting up your audience for your ‘sale’. When you get organic support and attention ahead of time your sales will be higher with this content strategy.
Ep 64: What Makes A Lead Magnet Irresistible
Want to use lead magnets to attract high-quality prospects into your sales funnel but don’t know where to start? You’re in the right spot. In this episode I’m going to share my exact step by step process for creating a lead magnet so can you follow along and get it done in 4-5 hours!
Ep 63: Focus On These Social Media Trends In 2021
I’ve researched what the top social media planning sites are predicting as the 2021 trends and sharing what I believe to be the most relevant to you as a personal brand. I’m going to dive into content marketing and how you can use social media in 2021 to increase brand awareness and generate more high-quality leads based on the predicted social media trends.
Ep 62: How To Determine Your Core Brand Foundation Strategy
Inside this article, I give some insight into how to determine your CORE brand foundation strategy by asking yourself three questions. Remember, this becomes the backbone of everything you do in your business… from marketing to campaigns, to copywriting for emails, to promoting products, to everything.
Ep 61: How To Create A Lead Magnet In A Single Afternoon
Want to use lead magnets to attract high-quality prospects into your sales funnel but don’t know where to start? You’re in the right spot. In this episode I’m going to share my exact step by step process for creating a lead magnet so can you follow along and get it done in 4-5 hours!
Ep 60: The Simple Template For Writing Emails
Even after 30 years, email marketing remains the best way to attract and retain customers. It’s become a major part of my sales process over the last three years but just like every business, there are tips and tricks to make it work best. In this article, I break down my simple email template and the 4 rules for Writing Effective Email Marketing Content. When you can use email marketing and social media marketing together you’ll get the best return on your investment.
Ep 59: How To Build Trust And Depth In Your Brand With These Lifestyle Topics
One of the most popular responses I receive on my website chat box is people needing help with social media content.
They don’t know what to post that will make them likable, increase their engagement, and attract more of the right people to their brand.
They only know how to post about their products, so looking within their brand to pull out their uniqueness can be somewhat of a hang up for them.
Or they don’t understand how talking about their obsession for nail polish will result in more sales for their skincare business.
Ep 58: 4 Simple Ways To Cultivate Gratitude Within Your Business
Coming into the holiday season, it’s common to see people express more gratitude for the people and blessings in their personal life. These include family, friendships, and basic physiological and safety needs. As we know, cultivating gratitude helps you see what’s there instead of what isn’t.
Ep 57: How To Start Writing An SEO-Friendly Blog Post To Boost Your Visibility
So we all want new clients, right?! But there’s a piece of attraction that needs to happen to grow a reader’s trust and see you as the solution to their problem.
As I discussed in Episode 50, I rely on publishing content to my blog every week inside my simplistic sales process.
Nothing overwhelming, only one new article a week, which is manageable for very every business builder. This blog article allows me to refresh my social content, Pinterest pins, and video content weekly.
This leads me to share in today’s episode, “How to start writing an SEO-friendy blog post to boost your visibility.”
Ep 56: The 5 Excuses Stalling Your Business Growth Today
With the mind’s unlimited potential, you can generate anything you desire by letting it do what God created it to do.
But it’s also an excuse-making engine when we program it with a negative belief system.
When you do this, your mind will continually try to convince you not to take action and make positive changes you know are good for you.
Inside this episode, I share the 5 excuses you need to pay attention to that may be sabotaging your growth and how to reprogram your mind to allow more positive changes.
Explore Stress-Free Marketing Strategies To Grow Your Small Business.
Grow an authentic brand without the pressure of video.