Coach’s Wife Entrepreneur Articles

Ep 43: Branding in Basketball: Two Key Ways College Athletics Uses Social Media

Listen here Podcast Show Notes While I’m usually helping female business builders strengthen their personal brand to gain more sales - the same strategies I teach can also pour into other industries such as college athletics.  As you may know, I’ve been around...

The BRAND of Basketball from a Coach’s Wife

I’ve heard my husband, Brad Korn, speak the term “brand of basketball” many times when referring to an opponent or team… ???? and while in the shower today (where all my great thoughts seem to come to me lately) I got to thinking about brands when it comes to colleges...

Our Untold Ball Life Story – by a Coach’s Wife

The Raw Korn #BallLife Story…. told from me, the coach's wife to Bradley Korn. This is going to be an entirely different post than you’ve ever heard from me before… but one I feel pulled to share. I want to take this time to share the story of the man behind my...

Big Game as a Coach’s Wife

Well… today is the day. A big game.The day that preparation will show it’s true self. Tonight we play our biggest in state Big 12 rival... Kansas University. Doubts are never far away. Were our last six consecutive conference wins a fluke?⠀Are we better than our...
Big Game as a Coach’s Wife

Big Game as a Coach’s Wife

Well… today is the day. A big game.The day that preparation will show it’s true self. Tonight we play our biggest in...

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