Set Up To Scale Blog
A hub dedicated to providing small business owners with practical, insightful, and valuable content.
Ep 8: How To Position Yourself As An Expert In Your Field While Staying Authentic
In today’s world of digital marketing and online sales, one thing to understand from the beginning is that you’re “selling” so much more than just your product or service on a daily basis.
Every day readers of your original content are paying attention to the experience that your brand gives them, and the emotions that you invoke within them.
What this means is that you are not selling your product, service or opportunity…
You’re in reality selling yourself, your image and your reputation.
Which is short, is your personal brand.
You sell you personal brand every time you show up online.
Ep 7: The Real Reason People Unsubscribe From Your Emails
This week I cussed and eight people unsubscribed within one hour of pressing SEND on my weekly email.
My “get your shit together in 2020” campaign listed the five steps I recommended for your brand and business but after sending it several unsubscribed.
Ep 6: How to determine the Bullet Point Beliefs of Your Brand – Part 2
In a world of increasing distractions and “shiny objects,” finding YOUR purpose and core interest is more necessary than ever before.
When you’re living in alignment with your true purpose, then every decision you make is rooted in pure confidence and joy, rather than fear.
Ep 5: How to determine the Bullet Point Beliefs of Your Brand – Part 1
What I’ve learned by observing people is that many wish for something instead of understanding who they already are. So why is it that we set aside the bullet points of who we already are and instead waste time playing the comparison game of who we aren’t.
You have plenty to be thankful for right now just the way you are.
Ep 4: How to Create a Holiday Campaign Brand Strategy That Will Get You Noticed This Season
A successful Holiday Promotion doesn’t happen without some thoughtful planning… and since you, my dear are a purpose-driven CEO you aren’t going to pass up the chance to snag a new client or two or ten!
And if you think your tiny business doesn’t have a chance against the big dogs of the social space, think again. Remember, people do business with people… and the more emotion and storytelling you do the more you are going to connect with your ideal clients.
Ep 3: 6 Reasons Why Personal Branding is a Non-Negotiable
Today I’m laying all my beliefs out there when it comes to why Personal Branding is a Non-Negotiable when it comes to building a business, advancing your career or becoming an influencer.
What it comes down to is if you don’t have a powerful and visible personal brand, you are putting yourself at a disadvantage in almost every aspect of your professional, business and personal life.
Ep 2: Where to Turn When Your Life is Influenced Too Much by Others
What I’ve seen happen especially in my own life is that without a core purpose you become influenced by others. And your indecisiveness allows your journey to be controlled by other people.
When I look back on my life especially throughout high school and college there are so many times when I allowed others to dictate who I was.
Ep 1: What To Do When Your Brand Feels Stuck
It’s been incredibly moving to watch women get excited to see their business look legit and know how to speak to their audience a little more confidently.
For the last three years, I’ve helped hundreds of women who own a business be able to stand out a little more on social media using the branding strategies I teach and the logos and visual identity I designed for them.
Ep 89: How To Use Your Personal Brand Logos
You know that logos are essential for grabbing the attention of your niche audience. But what’s more important about a personal brand logo using a timeless approach is it makes a solid first impression and becomes the foundation of your brand identity.
Inside this episode, understand how a logo helps you become reliable and trustworthy to your niche audience. Plus, I share the three logo designs you need for your personal brand and how to use them.
Tackling Fears And New Territory Like A Kindergartener
New territory is hard!!!! Damn it's hard. As I was walking my daughter into her first day of Kindergarten... her new school, new teacher, new classmates... new everything I noticed all morning she was lost on emotions. I could tell she didn't know whether to be happy,...
How to Gain Trust with a Consistent Brand Identity
In order to gain the trust of your readers, prospects or buyers you must not overlook creating CONSISTENCY in your brand identity and I'm going to tell you exactly WHY. Yes, everyone can do this and I will show you HOW. Questions So...
3 Best Ways to Build Curiosity Using Social Media For Your Business
One thing is for sure is that social media sells stuff... and if there is a common request from my branding students it’s that they want to become good at personal branding and attraction marketing… and therefore comes building curiosity. Today I’m going to share...
Explore Stress-Free Marketing Strategies To Grow Your Small Business.
Grow an authentic brand without the pressure of video.