Set Up To Scale Blog
A hub dedicated to providing small business owners with practical, insightful, and valuable content.
Ep 20: My #1 Secret To Writing Magnetic Copy
Whether it’s a weekly email you send out to your list, an Instagram post, a blog entry, or you are building a sales page for your digital product offer… we all strive to write copy that draws the reader closer to us and deepens our connection with them, right?
I train a lot about this in my Content Marketing Step of my Stay in Your Lane Brand Method.
What we really want is writing that’s compelling, interesting, and unique to use.
We need copywriting that’s magnetic.
Ep 19: Why It’s Not Too Late To Be A Beginner: with Special Guest Kelly Shepherd
Ever wonder what the world’s most successful entrepreneurs looked like when they first started?
Ding, Ding, Ding…
Like beginners. They had no clue what they were doing.
Seriously. No one has it all figured out, especially in the early days.
But if you ever want to hit goals and reach the success you dream of – you must train yourself to start BEFORE you’re ready.
Ep 18: How To Use Your Superpower To Attract New Clients
Every personal brand has a unique set of core beliefs that shape who you are as a brand. I covered these in a two-part podcast series in episodes #5 and #6 if you need a refresher to discover yours.
Once your beliefs are uncovered, your “superpowers” help guide your vision, strengthen your authority, differentiate your brand, and attract customers that love you.
Ep 17: 5 Reasons Why Talking to Fewer People Will Increase Your Profits
Ok so you start a business you have a product or collection of products to sell and you start marketing all of them to everyone in your timeline right? I mean success will come faster if you offer a range of services… the more the merrier.
Because after all… if you just chose to market ONE THING how will you ever get enough customers?
Boy oh boy was this was one area in my business that I missed the mark on big time in the beginning.
Ep 16: You Will Fail On Instagram If You Don’t Choose To Do THIS
Alright, so there’s an old saying that goes along the lines that if you do not have a brand, you have a commodity.
First let’s start off by explaining what commodities are. Commodities are interchangeable goods. And yes I was raised a farm girl so here me out on this one….
Ep 15: Why You Are Not A Fraud For Changing Your Mind
Alright, today I want to talk about something near to my heart this past year. I want to discuss those times when we get into a situation and we tell someone we are going to do something and then… by some matter of the situation – you don’t feel as that comment is valid any longer.
Ep 14: The 5-Step Method For Building A Direct Sales Business On The Web
If there’s one business that’s easy to start and one you can make income right away with, it’s one in direct sales — having been a part of a few direct sales models in my day, I’ve seen marketing done well, while also done horribly wrong.
With over eight years of experience in this space, I’ve used a simple system to grow my business portfolio into a six-figure annual income while being a part of multiple direct sales companies.
Press play right now on Branding Bites Podcast Episode 14 as I share the first mistake I made in my direct sales business and my 5-Step Method For Building A Direct Sales Business On The Web. A proven way to attract new clients, create engagement, and grow your online sales… in less than 30 days!
Ep 13: You Could Double Your Engagement On Instagram By Doing THIS
Everyone seems to want to get their hands on the magic trick that will take their account from 2k to 10k followers overnight. But today, I want to give you my thoughts on this whole follower obsession and show you why engagement should be your top priority over follower count.
Ep 12: The #1 Productivity Hack Every Business Owner Needs To Use
Let’s get real. Feeling completely overwhelmed and exhausted in your personal or professional life has nothing to do with how many awake hours you have to work.
It’s because the hours you do have you spend too much time trying to juggle more than one thing.
The highest cost of doing multiple things at once is a gradual, long-term decline in your productivity and satisfaction.
If I’m being honest, When you get in the habit of always dividing your attention you are half-assing every activity or task you do.
Ep 11: My One Unexpected Joy From 2019 That Could Bring You More Clarity
As we close out 2019 and enter a new year and a new decade it’s only appropriate to honor the past year by celebrating your joys, mourning your losses, and shaking your head at the wonder of all of it.
Today I wanted to get very honest and transparent with you and share an unexpected joy of mine from 2019.
I know many of you have direct sales experience or are currently in one so I think this story will help you in many ways find clarity if you are thinking of expanding or pivoting your business portfolio.
Ep 10: 10 Caption Starters To Express Gratitude on Social Media
Ten caption starters In Order To Express Gratitude on Social Media as a business owner. It will take some thinking (and probably thinking in a new way) and sharing some personal thoughts about your journey but don’t be afraid to get personal and let people into your world.
Ep 9: How to Confront the ‘Comparison Trap’ With a Gratitude State of Mind
Gratitude seems to be more top of mind at the end of the year and rather than doing the basic … I’m grateful for (fill in the blank), today I’m going to dig into why we have such a hard time with being grateful.
Because let’s face it… the reason we can’t be grateful for what we have is that we are constantly comparing it to what someone else has.
So why is this? Why can’t we just be grateful for the blessings in front of us right now? Instead of going that step further with the comparison.
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