how to scale a small business

Set Up To Scale Blog

A hub dedicated to providing small business owners with practical, insightful, and valuable content.

With over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience and successful partnerships with more than 80 brands, Kristin Korn is here to guide you on your path to strategic growth. Learn how to set up your business for scalable success with the right systems and expert insights.
Putting Your Face Front And Center To Immediately Connect

Putting Your Face Front And Center To Immediately Connect

You already know that how you market your brand determines how successful it will be. So to have new leads continually drop into your sales process, you need to use the best marketing strategies to connect with your audience. Inside this article, I share with you the BEST marketing strategy to use to build the strongest relationship with your audience possible. Oh… and it’s the best at conversions too.

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Ep 29: How to Stay On-Trend While Remaining On-Brand

Ep 29: How to Stay On-Trend While Remaining On-Brand

As an online marketer, it’s important to keep a close eye on what’s trending around us… whether you are a local business or an online entrepreneur.
You want to deliver relevant and relatable content to your target market but at the same time, you need to stay within your content strategy.
When you get too off-topic your audience can broaden too much.  Which in return leads you right back to where you were when you were struggling to attract the right audience to your brand.

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Ep 28: The Exact Caption Writing Framework I Use To Attract My Niche

Ep 28: The Exact Caption Writing Framework I Use To Attract My Niche

When I reflect on my own journey of how I’ve used and reacted to social media I always come back to the idea that many see success on social media as having high engagement ratings.
* We seek validation that what we are doing is making an impact.
* That the time we are spending on writing captions and blog posts and podcasts is worth it.
* That someone out there is paying attention to our message.
Press play on this episode where I share with you what I’m doing instead of seeking validation through likes, comments, and follower count. It may just change the way you look and feel about content for good.

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Ep 26: 3 Ways To Create A More Impactful Brand Online

Ep 26: 3 Ways To Create A More Impactful Brand Online

When I reflect on my own journey of how I’ve used and reacted to social media I always come back to the idea that many see success on social media as having high engagement ratings.
* We seek validation that what we are doing is making an impact.
* That the time we are spending on writing captions and blog posts and podcasts is worth it.
* That someone out there is paying attention to our message.
Press play on this episode where I share with you what I’m doing instead of seeking validation through likes, comments, and follower count. It may just change the way you look and feel about content for good.

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Ep 25: Become a Secret Santa When It Comes To Content Validation

Ep 25: Become a Secret Santa When It Comes To Content Validation

When I reflect on my own journey of how I’ve used and reacted to social media I always come back to the idea that many see success on social media as having high engagement ratings.
* We seek validation that what we are doing is making an impact.
* That the time we are spending on writing captions and blog posts and podcasts is worth it.
* That someone out there is paying attention to our message.
Press play on this episode where I share with you what I’m doing instead of seeking validation through likes, comments, and follower count. It may just change the way you look and feel about content for good.

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Ep 24: How To Market Your Online Business During Uncertain Times

Ep 24: How To Market Your Online Business During Uncertain Times

There’s no denying everyone is living in a bit of fear right now… with their health, their food supply, their mental well being, their family, kids schooling, all the things that usually don’t consume this much worry and brain space.

Besides the usual day to day life – we then have an online business to keep afloat.

Then the question you’re suddenly asking is.. 

“How do I market my online business and personal brand while being sensitive to the current environment?”

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Ep 23: Why It May Be Time To Marie Kondo Your Content Marketing Strategy

Ep 23: Why It May Be Time To Marie Kondo Your Content Marketing Strategy

You’ve heard her voice loud and clear – Out with the clutter – if it doesn’t spark joy then we don’t need it. 
And in today’s episode, I’m not just talking about your underwear drawer or food pantry. The same goes for the content marketing strategy in your business.
Used to experts would say – show up every day – be seen – get in from of your customers – just post something.
But that was so 2018 and early 2019.
Yes – consistency and staying top of mind of your audience will always be key.  But it’s not about quantity over quality.

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Ep 82: Why Using Caption Templates Hurts Your Brand Long-Term

Ep 82: Why Using Caption Templates Hurts Your Brand Long-Term

Of course you are using social media to grow your business but you get stressed when writing captions and know what to say. You’ve often resorted to copying and pasting what others are posting or using fill-in-the-blank caption templates to escape this frustration. But what if this content strategy or lack thereof was doing more harm than good? Inside this article, I share the two reason why you get stressed and the three things you need to do first to get unstuck!

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Ep 22: Do The Hard Today To Be Happier Tomorrow

Ep 22: Do The Hard Today To Be Happier Tomorrow

Boy, is that easier said than done. Especially when hard looks like missed sales goals, flopped ads, email unsubscribes, client return requests and alllll the things that get us down and out.

And no… all the cute Insta quotes in the world can’t pick us back up at times.

When we want things to be easy or at minimum handed a clear path to success… and we expect our actions to bring us closer to our goals… we are inevitably disappointed when things don’t go as planned. 

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Ep 21: Ditch Multi-Tasking For This Time-Saving Trick: with Special Guest Jenny Taylor

Ep 21: Ditch Multi-Tasking For This Time-Saving Trick: with Special Guest Jenny Taylor

Multitasking seems like a great way to get a lot done at once. I mean us entrepreneurs are always looking to save time and get more things done so if we can knock different tasks right after one another or at once – isn’t that a good way to increase productivity?

While multitasking might seem like you are accomplishing many things at once, research has shown that our brains are not nearly as good at handling multiple tasks as we like to think we are.

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