how to scale a small business

Set Up To Scale Blog

A hub dedicated to providing small business owners with practical, insightful, and valuable content.

With over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience and successful partnerships with more than 80 brands, Kristin Korn is here to guide you on your path to strategic growth. Learn how to set up your business for scalable success with the right systems and expert insights.
Ep 42: Three Ways To Grow Your Client Leads Using Social Media

Ep 42: Three Ways To Grow Your Client Leads Using Social Media

It’s no secret that I love social media for creating deeper connections with my clients – but do you know that there’s a simple strategy I use to do this?
There is.
If you are feeling overwhelmed when it comes to what to post to social media to grow your business… I want to break it down for you in this episode. Get ready… I’m sharing THREE WAYS to grow your client leads using social media and from here on out your “overwhelm” with content will be gone!

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Ep 40: Overcoming Being Paralyzed By The Lie Of Perfection

Ep 40: Overcoming Being Paralyzed By The Lie Of Perfection

I talk to a lot of business builders about what holds them back. Why do they drag their feet when doing things that they know will grow their business?
Their reply 9 times out of 10 always has to do with some sort of fear…. But when I really think about fear – isn’t fear present in our minds because we are always chasing perfection?
The perfect headshot, the perfect caption, the perfect grid, the perfect sales page, the perfect email… and producing the perfect product.
If we could reach PERFECTION then we’d have no fear of what others thought. Fear of other people’s opinions.
So how do we combat this? How do we overcome showing up to the world as imperfect and being totally OK with someone having an opinion of us?
This is definitely a voyage I’ve personally been on for years and years and inside this episode, I’m going to share what I’ve done to combat this paralyzation of my business when it comes to “striving for perfection.”

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Ep 39: How To Stand Out When You’re All Selling The Same Thing

Ep 39: How To Stand Out When You’re All Selling The Same Thing

Are there hundreds if not thousands of other people who sell the same thing as you?

This could be the case if you are part of a direct sales business and sell oils, skincare, lotions, or supplements…

Maybe you have your own online shop filled with mugs, shirts, and journals – some custom and some drop-shipped – but overall the sayings you sell on your merchandise resemble other retailers.

Or maybe you’re a creative and you design custom birthday signs, watercolor paintings or pencils drawings.

Either literally or figuratively – you are all selling the same thing.

Have you ever really thought about that?

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Ep 38: How to Motivate Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere

Ep 38: How to Motivate Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere

If I’ve heard it once I’ve heard it 100x times…. “If I could just motivate my team I’d reach (my goal).”

This is usually heard on repeat in the direct sales industry when you’re trying to reach some sort of goal where you need more sales for the month in order to reach a volume or title goal. If you’ve ever tried to manage any sort of team before I know you’ve said it to.

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Ep 37: Two Ways To Leverage Your Influence

Ep 37: Two Ways To Leverage Your Influence

For the last year, I’ve been focused on teaching women how to leverage their influence to monetize their brand. 

What it comes down to is I believe your brand influence is made up of your layers and layers of pivots, life cycles, lessons, and experiences. When you communicate this you create influence.

Meaning the more consistently you voice your message – the more influence you create.

And the more people you can empower with your influence.

Today on this episode I want to share with you TWO ways that I teach business builders to leverage their influence no matter what kind of business they are building or have yet to start creating.

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Ep 32: Three Sleazy Sales Tactics to Avoid And What To Do Instead

Ep 32: Three Sleazy Sales Tactics to Avoid And What To Do Instead

We’ve all been pressured to purchase a product… whether it be a pair of jeans or a new car. And by going through that sleazy buying process we can assume all sales careers mean you need to act that way to make a sale… But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

So today I want to share with you three sleazy sales tactics to avoid and what to do instead. And these tactics pop up whether you are in direct sales, a brick a mortar store, or an online-based business. You’ve seen them all and possibly even done them yourself. By understanding what to do instead you’ll know how to create a win-win for you and your prospective buyer.

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