Scale Your Business Online: A Unique and Urgent Solution for Small Business Owners to Create a Passive Income Source


Extend your business beyond traditional boundaries and tap into the vast potential of online markets.


Michelle Chesser

When I found Kristin, I knew she was different.

"I have been in business as a home baker for fifteen years, looking for a way to bring in passive income. For the past five years, I have researched all the ways for me to do this. I even took a very expensive course from a well-known business coach, but nothing ever came of it. When I found Kristin, I knew she was different. She had ideas for my business that I didn’t know existed, and I loved watching her transform my passion into a full-time income for me!"

Unlock Long-Term Growth: Say Goodbye To Skillset Barriers And Focus On What Truly Matters

Many of my clients know there’s more they could be doing to scale their business online, but they lack the tech and design skillset to do it themselves.

If you're saying to yourself...

"I'm just overwhelmed by it all and don't know where to start."

You're not alone.

Plus, you're already away from your family a lot as it is. The last thing you want is to use more time to learn it all on your own.

That's where I come in!

No burnout.

No lost passion for your business.

We knock it out together so you can move forward.

My strategy isn't some cookie cutter quick-fix solution.

Rather, it's an all-in-one hybrid approach tailored to fit your business's unique needs and challenges.

Think courses, mentorship, marketing services, and networking in one swoop!

With a focus on building a solid brand foundation, I'll help you implement my 7 Scaleup Solutions for smart, sustainable growth.

Danielle Lea

I work really well with Kristin.

"After working with Kristin, I just feel so much more confident, comfortable, and at ease. I finally have a f****** marketing plan. I work really well with Kristin, appreciate the way she works and her communication cadence (using Marco Polo) is amazing. I appreciate her and it feels really good having a true partner in business."

Finally, Bust Through The Plateau In Your Business

Do it Yourself? Done for You? Or a Hybrid Mix? You decide. I offer three options to fit any beginner budget or quick timeline.

For the same amount it would cost you to buy a "how-to launch a course" from a well-known business coach - you can choose my all-in-one hybrid approach and tap into online markets in 1/4 of the time without doing much of the work yourself but still learning the method and techniques!

Courses Only


package includes lifetime access to these courses for a 100% DIY option

  • 3x Automated Sales Funnel eBook
  • 3x Automated Sales Funnel Toolkit
  • 3x Automated Sales Funnel Tech Stack Videos 
  • Audience + Offer Bundle 
  • Lead Drip 365

"I have listened to podcasts, taken courses, and researched so much. What else could I hear that would help me? Mind. Blown. Kristin’s courses are like nothing else in the industry. She has a no-nonsense approach and kept me focused. Her attention to detail made me realize that she knows what she’s talking about, because she’s been there-done that!" - Leigh


Courses + HQ Coaching Group

$597 + $47/mo

package includes lifetime access to these courses + coaching group for a supportive DIY option

"Being in a small coaching group is worth every penny. You’re not just a number and these girls know your name and are walking right there with you. They want you to succeed! And Kristin is able to  help each person individually because SHE KNOWS US and knows our businesses. I was so surprised the first time I was on the call because she was giving advice to each person, not just to the group." - Michelle


Courses + HQ Coaching Group + CORE Services

Custom Quote

package includes lifetime access to select courses, 2-month coaching group access, and services

  • Select Courses Included
  • Brand Highlighter HQ Access
  • Private Portal Access
  • Business Mentorship
  • CORE Build Out Services

"Kristin is a rare find; as a client, you never have to worry about what to do next or how to do it. She has a proven system that takes you from identifying and creating your brand to running recurring traffic & sales to strategy on where to grow next AND she can build your business for you with proven, cost-effective technology tools." - Sondra


All courses are also sold separately inside the Store. CLICK HERE.

jennifer ebelhar

Jennifer Ebelhar

She does everything.

"What is so amazing about Kristin is she does everything. Other businesses will create your branding identity OR build your website OR write your copy OR set up your email automation OR manage your social media. Kristin and CORE Brand Marketing Group do it all! And not only can she set everything up, but she will maintain it for you on an ongoing basis, which is her real brilliance. The consistency of having them promote your brand on a regular basis is what truly grows your business. 

FAQs: HQ Community

FAQs: CORE Services

jamie clark

Jamie Clark

She is magic.

"Everyone needs Kristin on their team. I really appreciated the work she made me put into figuring out my ICA and CORE foundation. Now that everything has come together, I feel confident in my solution and what I offer."