$597.00 USD


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Sales Funnel Solutions: Courses Only

  • 3x Automated Sales Funnel eBook
  • 3x Automated Sales Funnel Toolkit
  • 3x Automated Sales Funnel Tech Stack Videos 
  • Audience + Offer Bundle 
  • Lead Drip 365

Regularly Priced $647 when purchased separately.

What People Are Saying:

My initial impressions of Kristin were spot on; she is genuinely a “unicorn” - a fantastic combination of visual designer, copywriter, marketer, techie, and online business strategist.


With other courses I’ve taken I was completely overwhelmed with the amount of lessons and how long it took to get through them. I love how Kristin keeps things simple and breaks them up.


I have listened to podcasts, taken courses, and researched so much. What else could I hear that would help me? Mind. Blown. Kristin’s courses are like nothing else in the industry. She has a no-nonsense approach and kept me focused. Her attention to detail made me realize that she knows what she’s talking about, because she’s been there-done that!
